- Conference
- 2007 National Women's Conference
- Date
- 26 October 2006
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
For years Women in UNISON have been active in the campaign “Raise the Roof on Domestic Violence”. This campaign has made great progress and now men have launched their own campaign on violence and women.
On the White Ribbon campaign website, www.whiteribboncampaign.co.uk/, it states that the “White Ribbon Campaign UK is the United Kingdom branch of the global campaign to ensure men take more responsibility for reducing the level of violence against women.
Wearing a white ribbon signifies a commitment to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.
More and more men want to make a difference. Caring men are tired of the sexism that hurts the women around them.
In trying to change the behaviour of men, we are not male bashers, because we are men, working with men, who care about what happens in the lives of men. We want to live in a society of gender equality.”
It appears that men are taking responsibility for reducing levels of violence against women, internationally.
Conference is pleased to note UNISON’s continued involvement in the V-Day, Until the Violence Stops campaign, and White Ribbon Day, 25 November, which 2003 National Women’s Conference voted to adopt as an annual event in our calendar, working with Womankind to support the International Day against Violence towards Women. Conference therefore instructs the National Women’s Committee to make contact with the White Ribbon Campaign, and to work with the National Executive Council to promote this campaign amongst the male members of UNISON, as Conference recognises the importance of men’s involvement in campaigning to end violence against women in all its forms.