- Conference
- 2007 National LGBT Conference
- Date
- 19 September 2007
- Decision
- Carried
Conference believes that disability – like sexual orientation and gender identity – is a political and civil rights issue. Conference further believes that disability like sexual orientation and gender identity is a trade union issue.
Conference notes that disabled Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people face disability discrimination, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in society as well as oppression and discrimination within both the Disability Community and the LGBT Community. Disabled LGBT people have diverse ages, cultures, religions and beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnicity and gender identities.
Conference further notes that disabled LGBT people are vulnerable to hate crime, discrimination in the workplace, at a higher risk of worklessness and frequently low paid.
Conference welcomes the Disability Equality Duty recognition of the role that Disabled people can lead in public life and believes that positive actions, images and role models are needed to encourage Disabled LGBT people to participate more actively in the trade union and in self organisation. Conference applauds the UNISON Beyond the Barriers campaign which promotes a series of posters and postcards showing positive images of disabled people challenging barriers to work, education, transport and other areas.
Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee, liaising with the National Disabled Members Committee, other self-organised committees and Young Members Forum to:
1.Reflect the diversity of disabled LGBT membership in literature, publicity and media;
2.Consider advertising the LGBT Group in disability press and at disability events;
3.Publicise the UNISON Beyond the Barriers campaign to LGBT members;
4.Make and renew links with appropriate Disabled LGBT groups such as REGARD to identify joint working including possible campaigning and recruitment initiatives.