Promoting Branch Self-Organisation

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2006 National LGBT Conference
24 July 2006
Carried as Amended

Conference notes with some concern that many UNISON branches in the UK do not appear to have an active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender self organised group (LGBT SOG).

Conference believes that branch-level LGBT SOGs are a key way to ensure visibility of the diverse LGBT agenda within branches, and that they serve as a valuable source of informed opinion on LGBT matters.

Experience shows that SOGs can be a valuable recruiting tool, not just for general branch membership but also to increase the number of workplace stewards and other activists within branches.

Conference feels that branch self-organisation strengthens and underpins UNISON’s national and regional LGBT self-organisation, and that it supports the delivery and development of our shared LGBT work plan.

Conference recalls that Composite D (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender members – stronger together) from National LGBT Conference

2005 urged all branches to include an LGBT action point in their Branch Development Plan.

Conference therefore instructs the National LGBT Committee to work with Regions and other appropriate structures in order to:

1.Conduct an audit of branch LGBT SOGs, particularly seeking information on any barriers encountered;

2.Use the outcome of this audit to develop, circulate and regularly review an action plan, with the ultimate aim of having an active and vibrant LGBT SOG in every branch;

3.Promote the important role of regional LGBT Groups in providing ongoing support, best practice and mentoring where possible for branches wishing to establish or develop their own LGBT SOGs; and

4.Feed progress reports back to Conference on an annual basis.