- Conference
- 2006 National LGBT Conference
- Date
- 21 September 2006
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
Conference is proud of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) self organised group’s long legacy of commitment to increasing participation from LGBT members who have traditionally been and continue to be under represented.
Conference celebrates our diversity but recognises that many of our members face multiple discrimination.
Conference welcomes the growth of self organisation to encompass all our LGBT members and the opportunity for bisexual and transgender members to organise.
Conference is aware that biphobia and transphobia exists within society and the LGBT movement and that our bi and trans members also face homophobia, sexism and gender stereotyping. Conference further recognises that some of our Bi and Trans members may also face disablism and racism.
Conference notes that despite thirteen years of organising within UNISON Black and Disabled LGBT members remain under-represented and despite our best endeavours we still experience incidents of discrimination on the grounds of race and disability.
Conference therefore re-affirms its commitment to the further development and growth of the Black and Disabled Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender members’ caucuses.
Conference also agrees to continue to support the development of caucuses for Bisexual members and Transgender members.
Conference endorses the principle that we all have a responsibility for challenging all forms of discrimination including racism, disablism, sexism, biphobia and transphobia within our self organised group.
Conference therefore instructs the National LGBT Committee to:
1.Ensure that UNISON’s work with the Bi and Trans caucuses highlights the need to address racism and disablism that face Bi and Trans members;
2.Promote the involvement of Bi and Trans members in the Black and Disabled LGBT members caucuses;
3.Promote the involvement of Black and Disabled LGBT members in the LGBT self organised group and where appropriate the Bisexual and Transgender caucuses;
4.Seek to publicise UNISON’s LGBT work directly to Bi and Trans activists and communities emphasising the diversity of our LGBT membership and work;
5.Ensure that all publicity produced by our self organised group fully recognises these principles and reflects the diversity of our membership.