- Conference
- 2005 Retired Members' Conference
- Date
- 15 June 2005
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
Conference is aware that as members become older it becomes increasingly difficult and in some cases impossible to obtain suitable travel insurance especially on an annual policy basis, at a reasonable price. Our own UIA no longer offers an annual policy to those over 65 years and will only offer individual trips at highly inflated rates. It cites a decision made “in conjunction with the UNISON Services to Members’ Committee of the National Executive Council. UNISON agreed with UIA that it would be unfair to increase all travel insurance premiums to subsidise the claims from one policy group.”
Conference therefore calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee to make suitable representations to National Executive Council, raising members’ concerns of ageist practices within the insurance market and hopefully persuade insurance providers to offer a suitable annual travel insurance policy for the over 65 age group.