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Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual & Transgender Conference 2005
18 November 2005

Conference notes the fact that the law on adoption by same sex couples adopting has been changed in England and Wales and congratulates the Scottish Executive on it’s review of adoption law in Scotland and its proposals to allow same sex couples to adopt children and to allow same sex step parent adoption.

The proposals are long overdue and will make a real difference to the lives of children in Scotland, many of whom are remaining in care due to lack of suitable adoptive families.

Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee to liaise with Scottish LGBT Committee on the progress on this legislation through the Scottish Parliament and to:

1.Seek to work with the TUC LGBT Committee and the Local Government Service Group to ensure that best practice in this area is highlighted and that we be vigilant towards any groups seeking to use outdated stereotypes;

2.Use an issue of Out in UNISON to publicise information around the law on adoption and fostering as well as examples of best practice.