Promoting UNISON – 10 years on

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2004 National Women's Conference
7 October 2003

It is ten years into UNISON and still a lot of women members do not know the opportunities open to them within UNISON.

The wide spread of workplaces and diversity of membership means that women members, especially those working in small units or alone, never get to know what UNISON can offer.

Conference calls upon the National Women’s Committee to explore innovative ways of advertising UNISON in places where women are likely to go, for example information leaflets and flyers in hairdressers, places of worship and shopping centres. They should promote the opportunities UNISON has to offer women, both as individuals and as groups.

The National Women’s Committee should bring back to next year’s Conference new suggestions and report on successes.

Regional women’s groups should also become involved in promoting their presence in the community, by contacting local like-minded women’s groups.