Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

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2004 National Women's Conference
15 October 2003

In every UNISON region there are agencies that support women survivors of childhood sexual abuse by providing a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment for women to address the issues arising from their experiences of childhood sexual abuse. These agencies can also act as an information and signpost agency for adult survivors, their families, friends and other professional bodies.

Through supporting survivors they enable them to gain an insight and understanding into the trauma they experienced. This enables survivors to explore possibilities for change, consider other choices and ways of developing their self esteem and self worth.

The long term effects of childhood sexual abuse contribute to a wide range of physical and psychological problems that can disable women and prevent them from reaching their full potential.

We call upon the National Women’s Committee to consult and work with the National Executive Council and other self-organised groups to:

1)promote and identify a level of awareness of local resources that offer services to women survivors of childhood sexual abuse;

2)circulate information at a regional and local level advising women of resources available to them in their community;

3)support by donation and awareness-raising local agencies that enable women to address and recover from their childhood experiences.