- Conference
- 2004 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
- Date
- 19 November 2004
- Decision
- Carried
This Conference condemns the brutal murder of David Morley in the early hours of 31st October 2004.
Conference is committed to the LGBT community being able to live our lives without the fear of violence.
Conference congratulates Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) and the Metropolitan Police, Lewisham, for recognising the need of our community to be able to report hate crime by setting up a confidential, freephone number, so that victims or eye witnesses can report a crime in a way that will be handled in a sensitive manner.
Conference therefore instructs the NLGC to work with the NEC, Local Government Association and the Home Office, to campaign for all local authorities to set up multi-agency partnerships on homophobic hate crime, similar to those for race hate crime. Such partnerships should develop strategies to increase reporting of homophobic hate crime, support complainants and tackle perpetrators. This, we hope, will have the effect of making our society fair for all of us.