UNISON Expenses Prevent Equality

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2003 National Women's Conference
11 October 2002
Carried as Amended

This Conference is aware that one of the founding principles of UNISON was to have reached proportionality and fair representation by the year 2002, whilst this goal has not been achieved we recognise that there has been progress – principally that delegations from branches to national/regional events are now expected to achieve proportionality and fair representation.

However, despite the union’s commitment to progress, barriers are still placed in the way of members particularly women and these barriers take the form of money. Some branches take the view that they cannot pay for dependants/facilitators because they do not have sufficient funding. This does not make for equality of opportunity.

This Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to:

1)Enter into discussions with the National Executive Council regarding the problem of branches funding the extra costs for delegates.

2)Consult with branches/Regional Women’s Committee regarding the problems around funding for dependants etc.

3)Refer these issues to the NEC and ask them to publicise UNISON’s provision for payment of expenses and support for branches with inadequate resources to fund delegates at conferences.