Ending Low Pay

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2003 Local Government Service Group Conference
20 February 2003
Carried as Amended

Conference welcomes the statement in May last year by the Minister for Equalities and Women that “pink pounds” have created a more tolerant society towards lesbians and gay men.

Conference agrees that whether one is treated with dignity and respect depends largely on whether you have money to spend.

Conference notes that the Local Government Service Group has achieved the TUC’s collective bargaining target of £5 an hour for council workers but that many members organised within the service group are still below this figure.

Conference notes the TUC’s new target of achieving a minimum of £6 an hour in all collective agreements by October 2004. It instructs negotiators throughout the service group to adopt this aim, or any higher figure which UNISON agreed on.

Conference instructs the Local Government Service Group Executive:

1)To mount a campaign to popularise this aim among members

2)To urge the National Executive Council and the General Political Fund to mount a campaign to win the support of the general public; and

3)To co-operate with the self-organised groups to develop and promote the argument that achieving UNISON’s equality aims depends upon ending the scandal of low pay.