20 February 2017 2:00pm–6:00pm
Houses of Parliament
Join UNISON, in co-ordination with the New Europeans and the3million’s in the EU Right to Remain day of action.
Register to join the lobby
On Monday 20 February, UNISON members can meet their MP and ask them to support the following pledge:
“I call on Theresa May to guarantee unilaterally the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.”
To register:
- Step 1 – Register to attend the mass lobby on Eventbrite
- Step 2 – Once you have registered you will be sent a link to write to your MP (please do this as soon as possible)
- Step 3 – Please let us know if you get a meeting time with your MP by email to k.widlak@unison.co.uk
UNISON will ask the government to recognise the value of UNISON members who are EU citizens who live and work in the UK and in particularly provide a significant contribution in the running of UK public services, such as health and social care.
UNISON calls for a clear commitment from the government that EU citizens currently living in the UK are welcome to stay here.
Workers from across Europe play a vital role in our public services, especially the NHS and local government. They and their families deserve better than years of uncertainty and being reduced to bargaining chips in the upcoming negotiations.
Make sure you get a chance to share your UNISON story and concerns with your MP by formally requesting their presence on the day.
UNISON stewards will be there to help you and committee rooms in parliament have been reserved from 2.00 – 6.00pm to allow MPs to drop-in, meet you and hear from you. For more information on the day of action contact K.Widlak@unison.co.uk
Join the lobby
If you would like to meet your MP on 20 February, you need to contact them first. Please use this link to send to send an email request to your MP