8 – 9 October 2013
The Brighton Centre
Record of decisions (Word doc)
Card vote results as follows:
Motion 32 restructuring the annual retired members’ conference was lost
31,565 for
33,637 against
Ballot vote results as follows:
Motions to go to national delegate conference 2014 from the retired members’ conference
Composite B – defending universal benefits (122 votes)
Motion 6 – removal of gender discrimination in pension provision (100 votes)
The national conference of UNISON’s retired members’ organisation.
Who should attend
Delegate conference for retired members’ groups, with between two (for branches with 250 or fewer retired members) and four (for branches with 750 or more) delegates per branch.
Delegations must be in line with UNISON’s principles of proportionality and fair representation.
Download the conference bulletin [PDF]
Branches can also apply for visitor places, subject to availability, on a first come, first served basis. Visitors must be UNISON members, but do not have to be retired members. All visitor expenses, including travel, must be met by the branch or region.