The Biggest Health Data Grab in History (Webinar)

15 July 2021 8:00pm–9:00pm


England only A UNISON online event open to all members   Join Phil Booth medConfidential and Allison Roche UNISON Digital and AI Policy lead Open to all UNISON members register here UNISON members are invited to a special webinar to learn more on the government’s proposals to take and use GP data from 55 million […]

How UNISON can support you as an overseas nurse in the UK

14 July 2021 9:00pm–10:30pm

Coming to work as a nurse in the UK is exciting but can be very challenging. It’s important you have advice and support when you practice. Join this free webinar to learn how UNISON can support you in your career in the UK. This webinar involves guests from the UNISON National Health and Policy teams […]

Head shots of speakers to the Fringe: Davena Rankin, Helga Pile, Kebba Maneh and Tim Roberts

Race for Equality webinar

15 June 2021 7:00pm–8:00pm

In this fringe event during Virtual Special Delegate Conference, senior Black leaders will discuss UNISON’s work for race equality, with practical steps for change. The focus is race equality but the conversation is broad and deep.
Registration required.

Welcoming overseas nurses to UNISON

19 May 2021 9:00pm–10:00pm

Coming to work as a nurse in the UK can be very challenging. It’s important you have advice and support from a union when you practice. Join this monthly session to hear from officers and nurses from the UNISON Health Team about the support and help you can get by being a member of UNISON. […]

Raise the Roof – Online May Day Rally

1 May 2021 1:00pm–2:30pm


A celebration of organising from across the world with inspiring stories from South Africa, Palestine, Canada and more. Join us live for Raise the Roof, UNISON’s online mayday rally. Guests speakers to include Margaret McKee – Chair of UNISON’s International Committee Zanelle Matebula – Deputy International Secretary COSATU South Africa Assaf Adiv – MAAN Israel who organise Palestinian […]

Organising and recruiting Young Members

30 April 2021 3:00pm–4:00pm

Record numbers of young workers have joined UNISON in the last year – but how can we support them to become lifelong activists? UNISON’s young members present a webinar introducing the resources available to develop and support young members. All welcome, both young and not-so-young members.

Welcoming overseas nurses to UNISON

15 April 2021 9:00pm–10:00pm


Coming to work as a nurse in the UK can be very challenging. It’s important you have advice and support from a union when you practice. Join this monthly session to hear from officers and nurses from the UNISON Health Team about the support and help you can get by being a member of UNISON. […]

CANCELLED Moving on: life after Young Members

9 April 2021 2:30pm–3:30pm

Are you about to turn 27 and keen to stay involved in UNISON? Or would you like to learn what resources are available to support and develop younger activists in your branch? UNISON’s young members present a webinar on how to stay active in UNISON after ageing out of being an official ‘young member’ – the roles available, and how to support young activists to stay involved. Panel discussion with young members who have gone on to take other roles in their branches and regions.

Community Live 2021

16 – 20 March 2021

Online webinars

Community Live will be held between 16-20 March, and is a series of short, hour-long seminars aimed at community members. You can take part in one, several or all of the sessions, which will include presentations on issues in social care and housing, others on workplace issues, and a talk by our general Secretary on […]

What does a Young Members Officer do?

19 March 2021 12:30pm–1:30pm

Online via GoToWebinar


Welcoming overseas nurses to UNISON

17 March 2021 7:00pm–8:30pm

Coming to work as a nurse in the UK can be very daunting.

It’s important you have advice and support from a union when you practice.

Join this monthly session to hear from officers and nurses from the UNISON Health Team about the support and help you can get by being a member of UNISON.

Student Nurse Debate

15 March 2021 6:30pm–8:00pm

Online webinar

A debate for student members

Come and join our first ever live debate. The motion for debate is:

“This UNISON network of students believes that the number of hours required in clinical placements for student nurses should be reduced.”

Exclusive preview of our new digital workplace risk assessment tool

15 March 2021 11:00am–12:00pm


This short webinar is aimed at UNISON members thinking of taking the first steps to become more active in health and safety in the workplace. This includes finding out about the role of a UNISON Safety rep and what training and development is available. As more workers start to go back to workplaces in the […]

Supporting yourself and others – Coping with grief and bereavement

10 March 2021 7:00pm–8:30pm


Many UNISON activists have been affected by grief and bereavement during the pandemic, either directly or indirectly through supporting other members. Join this webinar – open to all UNISON activists in health and social care – to discover what support and resources are available. This is also an opportunity to learn about UNISON’s partnership with CRUSE Bereavement Care who offer in depth courses for those dealing with loss.

Race for Equality logo giving details of the event

Challenging racism at work – join our webinar

25 February 2021 7:00pm–8:00pm

Online webinar

Health branch activists and members across the UK are invited to a webinar to hear about our Race for Equality campaign and to find out how branches have started to challenge racism in their workplaces.