21 – 23 November 2014
Blackpool Hilton hotel
The national conference of UNISON’s LGBT self-organised group, to discuss issues and set policy affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.
Registrations and enquiries
If you want to attend the conference, please contact your branch, who can register you as a delegate or visitor on the Online Conference System.
Members who are not out in their branch should contact their regional LGBT officer if they wish to attend, who will act as an intermediary between the branch and the member.
Venue and accommodation
Blackpool Hilton, North Promenade Seafront, Blackpool , FY1 2JQ
The venue
The Hilton Blackpool hotel is lLocated on Blackpool’s famous promenade. Blackpool Hilton website (link opens in new window).
Travel arrangements
Branches are asked to book all travel arrangements for conference through Stewart Corporate Travel. Travel application forms will be available via the forthcoming conference bulletin.
Travel costs for delegates will be funded nationally; travel costs for visitors must be paid for by the branch.
Branches are responsible for funding their delegates’ and visitors’ attendance at conference. Subsistence should cover the cost of accommodation, meals, childcare, dependent care and facilitation.
Accommodation can be booked via the link: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/UNISON14
or you can call 01253 478207.
General enquiries about Blackpool can be handled through the Tourist Information Centre on 01253 478222 or email information@visitblackpool.com
Who should attend
Full details on who can attend, branch representation, proportionality and fair representation will be available in the forthcoming conference guide.
Contact the conference office
UNISON Conference Office, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY
Tel: 020 7121 5123