Finding your digital voice

20 October 2016 1:00pm–6:30pm

1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP

A pilot IT skills for women conference, organised by UNISON’s North West, Northern and Yorkshire and Humberside regions.

The one-day event will feature guest speakers, interactive workshops and union learning reprsentative talks to celebrate, develop and boost women’s IT skills,.

It aims to help more women get their digital voice heard by becoming more confident in using social media and the internet.

Writer and feminist Cath Elliott will talk about how she learned to use IT and develop her digital skills, while IT consultant Lucy Hunt will speak about women pioneers in IT.

Other speakers include national women’s officer Sharon Greene, national oganiser Monica Hirst, communications officer Alison Charlton and learning and workforce development officer Emma Lipscombe, all of  UNISON), plus Dr Laurence Piercy from the Tinder Foundation, the charity that helps digitally and socially excluded people through digital technology and community action.

We still have places left, so to find out more and book your place, email: