15 – 17 June 2021
In the past year the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on how we organise our union. Although we are unable to hold our National Delegate Conference in the normal way, our National Executive Committee (NEC) has agreed to hold a Special Delegate Conference online from Tuesday 15 June to Thursday 17 June 2021.
The SDC SOC Final report is now available
Motions should be submitted via the OCS and should follow one of three themes:
- Branch Resources Review
- The Impact of COVID-19 on UNISON members, public services and working life
- Securing an equal and sustainable post-pandemic settlement
Motions will be debated on a virtual platform. Speakers will need to be identified and nominated in advance – please give some thought to who this may be.
Further information on speakers will be sent to relevant branches when composites have been agreed.
The conference bulletin and associated documents, found below, contain further information on motion submission from the NEC and SOC and submission deadlines.
Delegates should be registered as normal through the OCS.
We understand that in these unprecedented circumstances attendance at the SDC may be affected.
After the deadline for branch registration has passed, an assessment will be made. If the quorum and/or our rule book obligations on proportionality and fair representation are unlikely to be met, the NEC, in consultation with our regions reserves the right to postpone the event until such time we can comply with these obligations.