UNISON has over 100,000 young members. If you are a UNISON member and aged 30 or under you are automatically entitled to participate as a young member.
Young members’ groups work to:
- encourage recruitment, organisation and participation of young workers
- provide a powerful voice for young members
- give young members the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in the union.
As a young member you are supported by a union of 1.3 million members who can assist you with support, training, advice and guidance.
UNISON encourages young members to get involved in every level of the organisation. At regional level young members get together to plan and organise campaigns and discuss ideas and experiences.
The national young members’ forum includes two representatives from each region, and the young members’ representative on the national executive council. The forum ensures that young members have a strong voice within UNISON and are represented in every tier of the organisation.
Speak to your local representative if you would like to know more about joining UNISON, and how we can help you.
Young members make a difference in the workplace by campaigning on the issues that affect them directly, such as job security and training, apprenticeships, workplace rights, pay and conditions problems and bullying. As a young member you can take part in all UNISON campaigns.
You can join us and help to organise events for campaigns.
As a young member you also have the power to act against inequality or discrimination in the workplace and improve conditions for all.
Contact your local rep if you’d like more information about joining UNISON.
Member groups
As a young worker, you may find it hard to make a difference at work.
Being a member of UNISON and our vibrant young members’ group means that you are able to make real changes in your workplace.
Young members have groups right across the country. The focus of these groups is to identify and stand up for issues that affect young people.