BAOT Stewards’ Online Training Seminar – Wednesday 10 November 2021

10 November 2021 9:30am–4:30pm







This year’s BAOT Steward’s national training seminar will be held online, using Microsoft Teams, on Wednesday, 10 November. There is a selection of seminar topics to choose from, designed to help you in your role as BAOT/UNISON workplace rep.

The sessions are free to BAOT/UNISON stewards and are timetabled throughout the day so that you can attend all of them, or just select the ones that interest you. You will need to register for each of the sessions you want to attend – it only takes a few seconds. We hope to see you on 10 November!


One hour per session as follows:

Session 1.1: 9.30 – 10.30 – NHS Pay and Agenda for Change (Please note sessions 1.1 and 1.2 run concurrently. Please sign up for the one most relevant to you.)

Session 1.2: 9.30 – 10.30 – Local Government pay negotiations

Session 2:  11.00 – 12.00 – Adopting a just and learning workplace culture

Lunch break: 12.00 – 2.00

Session 3:  2.00 – 3.00 – Representing members online

Session 4:  3.30 – 4.30 – The role of OT in reducing health inequalities

Session descriptions and registration links

1.1 NHS Pay and Agenda for Change – Helga Pile, UNISON Senior National Officer

This session, led by Helga Pile, UNISON senior negotiator, will provide a briefing for stewards on the latest developments in NHS pay, terms and conditions, and an opportunity to discuss key priorities for BAOT members.

Register for Session 1.1


1.2 Local Government Pay Negotiations – Abby Kimantas, UNISON National Officer 

This session, led by Abby Kimantas, UNISON National Officer, will provide stewards with an update on the current status of the NJC pay negotiations for staff working in Local Government.

Register for Session 1.2


2. Adopting a just and learning workplace culture to support staff and improve patient care – Michelle England, Pennine Acute

A just culture considers wider systemic issues where things go wrong, enabling staff and organisations to learn without fear of retribution. 

In this session led by Michelle England, Staff Side lead for Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, you will hear about a ‘Just and Learning’ programme of change adopted by the Trust, designed to move away from a culture of blame to one of openness, fairness and learning.

Register for Session 2


3. Representing members online – Jon Tennison, LAOS

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way in which we support members. Remote meetings are common practice and we are all using online platforms such as Teams and Zoom. This session, led by Jon Tennison (UNISON Learning and Organising Services) will:

  • Identify key considerations in representing members online
  • Advise you how to apply UNISON protocols when representing members online
  • Identify and analyse best practice examples of representing members online

Register for Session 3


4. The role of Occupational Therapy in reducing health inequalities – Lauren Walker, RCOT

This session led by Lauren Walker (RCOT Professional Adviser) will explore how occupational therapists can help to address health inequalities and increase population health.  We will look at frameworks for addressing health inequalities, and discuss how diversity of background and experience within the profession is an asset in providing effective services to the populations we work with.

Register for Session 4