Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution

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2004 National Delegate Conference
2 March 2004

Conference approves the recommendations contained in the National Executive Council’s report on Policy Development, Bargaining and Devolution:

1)The need for a clear set of basic values and actions to underpin the relationships between the UK level union and UNISON regions should be addressed through a devolution protocol. The protocol will incorporate an information and communications code of practice and be issued by the National Executive Council after consultation with regions, service groups and self-organised groups.

2)A devolution impact assessment procedure should be established, to be followed by those with managerial, policy making, negotiating, information-giving or campaigning responsibilities, to ensure that, wherever appropriate, a UK-wide approach is taken to issues affecting the union.

3)Information and communication:

a)responsibility for providing and maintaining information on key policy, organisational and campaigning developments within each UNISON region should rest with the region, with the head office having a supporting and co-ordinating role;

b)a revised UNISON style guide should be produced. This should incorporate any agreed revisions to language that describes UNISON’s constituent parts.

4)Further work:

a)continue work to ensure that the union’s structures and decision-making processes reflect political devolution and developments in regional governance, including: building in a devolution dimension to strategic policy development, ensuring the flexibility of service groups to respond to devolved bargaining and ensuring democratic accountability in a devolved environment;

b)monitor the impact of the proposals outlined in this report in allowing the union to respond positively to the challenge of political devolution;

c)undertake work on UNISON finance and resources in the light of the changes set out in the report.

5)Rule book

In order to provide a context for the work on these issues to go forward and for UNISON to adopt a culture that recognises the implications of devolution, suggested Amendments to Rule are submitted (see Amendments to Rule documentation).