UNISON General Secretary election process starts in August

UNISON has today (Thursday) announced that the process for the General Secretary election will start on 11 August.

To run for election a candidate must be nominated by the National Executive Council, or by at least two national service group executives, or by at least two regional councils or at least 25 UNISON branches.

The election process officially opens on 11 August when candidates can formally indicate they are seeking nominations to stand.

Key dates

11 August
General secretary election process formally starts. Forms are despatched to nominating bodies*.

2 September
The nomination period starts.

9 October at 17:00 hours
The nomination period ends.

9 November
Ballot opens – voting papers are sent to UNISON members

4 December at 17:00 hours
Ballot closes.

17 December
Results are published.

General secretaries of trade unions are required by law to be subject to election after no more than five years.