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Help stop the sale of NHS Professionals

The government has announced plans to sell of 75% of NHS Professionals, the publicly owned NHS staffing agency, and UNISON is urging members and branches to support the campaign to stop the sale, which is being organised by the We Own It campaign group.

You can help the campaign by signing the petition against the sale on the group’s website.

And you can contact your MP to get them to back Early Day Motion 152 opposing the sale in the House of Commons.

So far, it has been signed by 29 MPs from Labour, the Green Party, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the DUP and an independent unionist.

EDMs are a good way for MPs to bring up issues that wouldn’t normally be debated. If they get enough signatures, it is clear to the government that their actions are unpopular.

The We Own It website has a dedicated page on the EDM, which you can use to find out who your MP is if you don’t know and contact them.

NHS Professionals was set up to save on the high costs of using private staffing agencies and saves hospitals more than £70m a year by supplying 88,000 agency doctors, nurses and other health professionals to doctors across the UK.

All profits made by NHS professionals is reinvested into the NHS.

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