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Finding time

Information for reps on your right to take time off from work to undertake union duties and training, and time-management guidelines for how to make the most effective use of your time.

There’s only one sure thing about time – that there never seems to be enough of it. And that can feel especially true when you’re trying to fit union duties or training in with your work and home life.

Rights for stewards and reps

Stewards, health and safety reps, union learning reps and branch officers have a right to paid time off for training in their union duties in most workplaces. This also applies to part-time activists and those who take part in online courses.

The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 sets out the basic rules governing union reps’ rights to paid time off for union duties.

Practical guidance on how the law should apply is laid down in an ACAS code of practice.

It is best to give several weeks notice to employers and to provide managers with information about the course as required.

If you or your branch are experiencing difficulties in obtaining time off for union training, contact your region.

Facility time

Facility time is time off from an individual’s job, granted by the employer, to enable a rep to carry out their trade union role.

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