Since the launch of the COVID-19 Public Inquiry in summer 2022, UNISON has been leading from the front to make sure that our members voices are heard.
The guiding principle for UNISON and our involvement with the COVID-19 Inquiry is to make sure that the voices of our members are heard. If lessons are truly going to be learned and the right people held to account, the lived experiences of workers, both frontline and otherwise, throughout the pandemic must be central to the inquiry.
The inquiry’s investigation is organised into modules, with each one focussing on a different part of pandemic. For us to have the biggest impact for our members, UNISON is working with the Trades Union Congress (TUC), who are core participants on behalf of the UK’s trade union movement, to engage with the inquiry. This provides opportunities to make opening and closing statements, suggest witnesses, question them and examine evidence.
So that we can share your stories, please use the resources below to discuss the inquiry in your branch, and feed in your thoughts using the form below.
Discussing the inquiry in your branch
We know that the pandemic had a devastating impact on workplaces, but also on lives and livelihoods, and discussing it may be difficult for our members, where so many were on the frontline throughout.
We’ve put together the attached resources to help you discuss the inquiry in your branch.
Download Covid Inquiry discussion guide
Have your say
Use the form below to let us know how the pandemic affected you.
Covid Inquiry Form
Other helpful resources
You can find out more about the inquiry here:
The inquiry is running it’s own listening exercise. You can find out more and contribute here: