The Chancellor’s promise that there’ll be no more PFI contracts signed is welcome
Under a Labour government the NHS and the dedicated people that work for it would at long last receive the proper investment and respect they deserve.
Responding to the Public Accounts Committee report on PFI published today (Wednesday), UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “The report confirms what UNISON has said all along – PFI simply isn’t working for the taxpayer. “It’s a damning indictment that after more than 25 years the Treasury still has no data on the benefits of PFI. “The […]
The enormous profits being racked up by Private Finance Initiative (PFI) companies should be subject to a new windfall tax, so much-needed resources can be put back into the UK’s cash-strapped public services, says UNISON today (Monday). Such a tax could be introduced if two amendments to the Finance Bill, which have been tabled by […]
The National Audit Office (NAO) report on the public finance initiative provides a scathing indictment of PFI and PF2, and confirms many of the fears UNISON has been raising for more than 20 years, the union said today (Thursday). The NAO says there are currently 700 PFI and PF2 deals in operation, and if no […]