Thousands will suffer in retirement due to government’s public sector exit-payment cap

Ministers knew ordinary workers would be affected but they ploughed on regardless

Royal Courts of Justice in London

High Court state pension judgment is terrible blow

Campaign will go on for Backto60 justice

Pension costs – are they transparent enough?

UNISON urges members to fill in questionnaire to help gather evidence for parliamentary inquiry, ending on 6 September

Inferior university pension plans must not become the norm, says UNISON

New pension schemes will leave staff struggling to plan for retirement and significantly worse off in their old age

Southampton university staff celebrate pensions win

Current staff to keep final salary pensions after strong campaign against proposals to change them – though scheme will be closed to new non-academic staff from 2019

Blog: United Utilities workers are on strike to defend their right to a fair pension

These attacks are completely unwarranted. In the past five full financial years, United Utilities has earned £1.6 billion in profits, whilst over a billion was paid out in shareholder dividends over the same period. In 2016/17 their two most senior staff – CEO Steve Mogford and CFO Russ Holden – were paid more than £4 million between them.