‘It’s time for an alternative to the cuts, the privatising agenda, and to the pay freeze destroying lives,” says Dave Prentis as 85,000 march against austerity, and for workers’ rights
North West
North West council criticises “unfair, unnecessary and undemocratic” attack that will “undermine constructive employment relations and civil liberties”

On Sunday, it will be just five weeks to the TUC’s demonstration in Manchester marking the opening of the Tory party conference

Public meeting calls for local community to have the chance to consider proposals and suggest alternatives
UNISON is sad to confirm that three members were among the 38 people killed in the Tunisia terrorist attack
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis will be speaking at a special NHS election rally tomorrow (Thursday) night in Leeds
UNISON calls for professional regulation for healthcare support workers in stead of voluntary code of conduct being introduced in England
We’re in the midst of the closest election in living memory – even hardened political pundits say the result is too close to call
Activists from UNISON’s North West region are travelling to Brussels today to take part in two days of protest and lobbying against TTIP
UNISON members who work in schools in Oldham are invited to afternoon tea on Wednesday 26 November, with the Mayor
UNISON health members in England are taking five days of action for fair pay next week – starting first thing on Monday morning – and will be joined by colleagues in other unions including midwives
‘Make sure you come along, show your support and make a difference’
UNISON calls for NJC employers to rethink and come forward with a pay offer which ‘begins to tackle the hardship facing all of our members’ in local government and schools (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
‘Five days for fair pay’ starts with a four-hour strike on Monday 13 October, followed by four days of action short of a strike for the rest of the week