Government hasn’t a clue about most people’s financial nightmares
Denying staff a pay rise won’t help the economy
Ministers must move on wages as workers struggle
Widening gap between pay and prices is leaving services on verge of collapse
Households need help to end the misery
New price-rise figures show illustrate need for pay boost
Boost to public sector wages and benefits are a must

HMRC mileage rates are woefully out of date and sorting this out is just one way to help struggling workers
A decent pay rise might prove just enough to persuade key workers to stay.
The soaring cost of living means growing anxiety for low-income families.
Pay awards and wage offers significantly below the cost of living will do nothing to address the growing staffing crises in health and care
Rocketing inflation leaves staff struggling and harms recruitment
Commenting today (Tuesday) on the rise in inflation, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “With inflation at its highest level in six years, many public service workers are facing a bleak Christmas. “With wages now lagging even further behind the cost of living, the government’s punishing pay cap is pushing families to the brink. It’s […]
The government needs to take action in next week’s budget