National disabled members' conference – looking toward the stage set from the main hall, over the heads of delegates

Delegates call for help to combat the epidemic of male suicide

In 2020, 4,880 men and boys ended their lives – but gender stereotypes make it harder for men to talk about their problems

Blog: We can’t let the government take away crucial legal safety nets

The consultation on replacing the Human Rights Act with a weaker bill of rights is just the latest in a series of attacks by the Westminster government on our fundamental rights

UNISON in Court of Appeal victory over employers who fail to consult unions

UNISON has won a landmark court victory today (Friday) that makes it much harder for employers to ignore staff when making major changes in the workplace. The Court of Appeal ruling means that for the first time employers will be obliged to consult with unions around any workplace issues that affect their members. Until now, […]

Don’t scrap the Human Rights Act

We will fight this calculated attack on our hard won rights and freedoms alongside Amnesty International, Liberty, the British Institution of Human Rights and others