Papering over cracks – the truth about social housing

Housing is going to be a major issue at this year’s general election. One UNISON housing activist explains the sector, and why he and his colleagues are being brought back in-house

Behind the headlines, Magazine on the Magazine site.

How to be a good lockdown neighbour

With everyone spending more time in their homes because of lockdown, the work of staff at housing associations is even more important in helping make sure everyone carries on being a good neighbour

How to be a good lockdown neighbour

With everyone spending more time in their homes because of lockdown, the work of staff at housing associations is even more important

Behind the headlines, Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.
Front of terraced housing

UNISON calls for safe, decent and affordable homes for all

Union demands a housing policy that works for working people as it publishes a manifesto for a new decade

Torus housing workers protesting with placards outside one of its offices

St Helens and Warrington housing members win 3.1% pay rise

Pay increase at north-west England housing group follows rejection of 2% offer and a ballot for industrial action

Time to stop the violence plaguing workers in the community sector

MPs join UNISON members and employers at parliamentary launch of union’s Violence at Work charter

council houses

‘It’s a disgrace that housing workers live in worse conditions than those they are trying to house’

Access to good, affordable social housing is key to family and social health, community service group conference hears

Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary signs recognition agreement with Chief Exec of UK's biggest housing association, Clarion

New staff agreement at the UK’s largest housing association

An agreement has been signed today (Thursday) by Clarion Housing Group, the UK’s largest housing association and UNISON, the UK’s largest union. It will allow the union to negotiate over pay and other benefits on behalf of staff. The agreement, which was signed by UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis and Clarion chief executive officer Keith […]

Close up of balloons with the UNISON logo

Members fight back against derecognition threat

Housing association members could be balloted over industrial action at newly merged housing group, one of largest in Europe

council houses

UNISON welcomes end of compulsory ‘Pay to Stay’ policy

Government says it will not press ahead with policy which would have forced council in England to charge market rents to so-called high earners

‘We will work to protect housing association jobs and conditions’

UNISON tells London housing associations planning merger that success of plans relies on ‘efforts of dedicated workforce’

Help halt the government attack on housing

New UNISON briefing on government’s Housing and Planning Bill highlights risks and offer advice on what you can do

UNISON responds to government housing plans

Plans to increase the country’s housing stock are welcome, but do nothing to tackle the problems for those on low incomes

Budget housing policies condemned

Housing policies announced in the July Budget will lead to fewer social homes at social rents being built, and will cause hardship to vulnerable tenants on modest incomes, says UNISON

Housing staff suffer thousands of assaults

More than 4,000 physical and verbal assaults on housing staff reported in 2014 and at beginning of 2015