Organising to defeat the far right

With fascism on the rise, a workshop at the Black members’ conference explored how it can be defeated

Too many unanswered questions

In 2014, seven-year-old Zane died. His family say toxic gases from a landfill site killed their son. Six years on, they’re still awaiting justice.

Young Black member of the year – ‘I’m just trying to fight injustice’

Funmi Ayeni addresses conference after winning inaugural award

2020 Nelson Mandela Award presented to ‘pioneering’ woman

Yvonne Green honoured by Black members’ conference for going ‘above and beyond’

‘Our strength comes from you’, president tells conference

Josie Bird salutes UNISON’s Black members for their work in fighting back against increasing racism and intolerance

‘Getting actively involved with UNISON … got me out of the abyss’

Delegates applauded Charmaine Blaze at the Black members’ conference today, when she movingly described how UNISON helped her secure a managerial role at NHS Scotland after years of being under-employed, under-valued and lacking career progression. She observed that, for Black women in particular, the gender pay gap is “less of a gap and more of […]

‘This is our time’, Prentis tells Black members

On ‘Brexit Day’ Dave Prentis spoke of the importance of protection for immigrants and justice for the Windrush generation

‘It’s our responsibility to kick racism out of our society’

Show Racism the Red Card launches this year’s schools competition at UNISON Centre