Conference notes and welcomes the Scottish Government’s First Ministers proposal of the 50/50 by 2020 plan; a pledge on gender equality to make public appointments within public bodies more diverse. Conference believes that all public bodies should include board members who reflect British society – people from all walks of life; those with a vast […]
Conference motions
Conference, our worst fears were realised on Friday 8th May 2015 as we woke to find that the nightmare of the past 5 years would continue for the next 5, but this time under a small Tory Majority Government. Nearly 2 million people voted for the Conservative Party giving them a 12 seat majority. In […]
Conference, Sheku Bayoh originally from Sierra Leone, aged 31 years old, died on Sunday 3rd May, near Edinburgh, whilst in police custody. He was pronounced dead at an Edinburgh hospital just after 9am. Unsubstantiated reports state he was left unconscious after being arrested by at first four, and then a further five police officers, who […]
This conference notes that the numbers of young Women members attending have been very low for a number of years and that it is vital work is undertaken to address this. This conference also notes the scheme of branch representation requiring branches sending 4 delegates to include a young member in their delegation. This conference […]
The number of race hate crimes have increased recently since the incidents in Tunisia and Syria. We all pay tribute to the families who have lost relatives in these senseless killings of innocent people. These acts have been deplored by all religious and political leaders, but the EDL and other right winged groups have exploited […]
Conference celebrates the fact the since the birth of UNISON self-organisation has had an essential role in the development and participation of Black members, women, Disabled people and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender members. However, the majority of UNISON branches do not have their own local Self Organised Groups. One of the barriers to setting […]
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. This type of cancer usually develops slowly and for this reason, you may not see any signs that you have it for many years. Only men have a prostate it is a small gland about a size and shape of a walnut and […]
Conference recognises that we are all aware of the impact that the vast changes to the welfare state brought about as a result of the continuing stringent austerity measures have had and will continue to have on Black workers and their families. Conference notes that austerity has never in history provided sustained economic growth. A […]
Conference, Challenging Racism in the Workplace is at the heart of UNISON’s Race Discrimination work and at the forefront of what we do as trade union activist. The elimination of discrimination with respect of employment and equal pay for work of equal value are basic workers’ rights and are therefore trade union issues. The colour […]
Conference, our worst fears were realised on Friday 8th May 2015 as we all woke to find that the nightmare of the past 5 years would continue for the next 5 years, but this time with a small majority Conservative Government. This Government have wasted no time in slashing our basic Human Rights with the […]
This conference notes that the numbers of young Black members attending have been very low for a number of years and that it is vital work is undertaken to address this. This conference also notes the scheme of branch representation requiring branches sending 5 delegates to include a young member in their delegation. This conference […]