Delete existing wording of Rule H.4.2 and replace with: “With effect from 1 January 2014 such sums shall be remitted by branches in accordance with a timetable to be published to branches concerned by the National Executive Council and paid into a current account held in the name of the branch with Unity Trust Bank.”
Conference motions
Rule D Delete “Rule G.9” and replace with “Rule G.10”
Add new Rules G 2.2.8 and G 2.2.9: “.8 shall from 1 January 2014 maintain records of its financial transactions, assets and liabilities using the national online branch accounting system (OLBA); .9 shall from 1 January 2014 develop an appropriate annual budget as part of the joint branch assessment process in accordance with the Union’s […]
Coalition government policies are leading to the increasing fragmentation of public services, whether through outsourcing, personalisation or the breakup of established bargaining arrangements such as academy schools. This fragmentation leaves workers isolated in areas that can be perceived as more difficult to organise. Members working in fragmented workplaces can find it difficult to access support […]
Conference recognises the importance of health and safety as a campaigning, organising and recruiting tool, particularly in the light of the government’s continued assault on the health and safety regulatory system, including: 1)cuts to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authority budgets resulting in the continued reduction in the number of workplace inspections; […]
We are faced with the most severe economic and political challenges for a decade. The changes being introduced into the world of work and the wholesale privatisation of public services are having a severe impact. UNISON needs to have a clear and effective bargaining agenda that challenges the worst aspects of employment trends, and protects […]
Conference welcomes the major recruitment drive whose aim has been to strengthen the union in order to defend better our member’s interests and campaign even more effectively in defence of public services. Conference believes that the next stage of this work must be to step up the union’s work to bring more members into active […]
With the events of racism being highlighted amongst several high profile football players, it is clear that the game has some way to go to shed itself of this vile and evil mindset. When FIFA president Sepp Blatter under played the significance of racism in the game it raised concerns about his ability to deal […]
Any incident or crime, which is perceived to be motivated because of a person’s disability or perceived disability, by the victim or any other person, will be classed as “Disability Hate”. This can be committed against a person or property. This would include anyone who is targeted as a result of their physical disability, sensory […]
Conference welcomes and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Events have shown that campaigning against privatisation does work and that public opinion is on our side and not on the side […]
Amendment to K 2(i): Delete “member knowing that she/he had need of legal assistance and seeks” and insert “incident or occurrence that leads to her/him seeking legal assistance.”
Conference notes with concern the statement by UK Prime Minister David Cameron that overseas aid should be cut to countries which criminalise homosexuality. Conference notes that UNISON is opposed to such aid conditionality. Conference believes that it would not advance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) human rights or equality but rather would create a […]
Conference is concerned at this government’s concerted attacks on trade union facility time in the public sector. The United Kingdom has a proud tradition of progressing industrial relations through a joint approach with trade unions. Public sector employers recognise the worth of allocating facility time as a means of supporting trade union activists to fulfil […]
UNISON is proud to be the leading trade union for women. We have a solid history of women being at the heart of the union; through enshrining self organisation into our rule book along with proportionality. As a union which has a majority of women members we do not just talk the talk. Women are […]
Conference believes that this government is intent on dismantling state education in the same way they are dismantling our National Health Service. The views of support staff, parents and teachers are being ignored whilst the Coalition government’s Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, arrogantly decides that he has the freedom to overturn 150 years […]