Workplace Blood Donor Sessions

Conference is aware that some employers encourage their employees to donate blood by allowing the National Blood Service (NBS) to run donor sessions in the workplace. Conference notes that for people who may be unable to donate due to current donor selection criteria (including many gay and bisexual men, as well as people with medical […]

Inequality in Goods, Facilities and Services

Conference is concerned that there remains inequality in the provision of goods, facilities and services to Transgender members especially in the case of medical treatment. Looking at Wales as an example, last year, this conference heard how the Health Commission Wales (HCW), a body of the Welsh Assembly set up to fund specialist services in […]

Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Members in the Highlands of Scotland

This conference welcomes the recent formation of a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Self-Organised Group (SOG) in the Highland Branch. This is an area of Scotland where there are few facilities for LGBT people. The land mass of the Highland branch is the same size as Belgium, with many small rural communities, where LGBT […]

Heading for a Student Crisis/Supporting the Future of Health Professions

Health students across the National Health Service face significant challenges throughout their studies; to become the nurses, midwives, paramedics, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners and social workers of the future. With clinical placements and high course hours on top of their academic work, the knowledge of a secure job at the end is a significant […]

Mental Health Services

Conference is appalled that mental health services are still so poorly funded in comparison with other parts of the NHS and that some staff in mental health teams are increasingly taking on more responsible roles, without the appropriate acknowledgement or reward for doing so. Government promises to prioritise mental health services have not been carried […]

Violence & Assault Agaisnt NHS Staff

Conference notes the statistics published by the NHS Security Management Service for 2006-7 showing a fall in violence against NHS staff in England. However Conference is concerned that in both the Ambulance and Mental Healthcare sectors the reduction was significantly less than elsewhere and front line workers in these areas continue to face unacceptable levels […]

Downgrading through Restructuring

This conference is concerned that many NHS employers are seeking to avoid their obligations under the Agenda for Change agreement by conducting restructurings of their organisations, or sections or departments within them, to deliberately achieve the down-banding or down-grading of staff, particularly those in clinical or therapy or professional specialist or leadership posts. The government’s […]

Supporting Cleaning Staff and the Cleaner Hospitals Campaign

Conference notes the attention given to hospital infection rates, and the resulting government campaign for cleaner hospitals. Because of the requirement to make huge efficiency savings and continuing lack of resources, cleanliness in hospitals is suffering and more and more cleaning staff are having to take on extra duties including “hands-on” patient care. We note […]

Health Care Associated Infections and the Cleaner Hospitals Campaign

Conference notes with concern that in England the majority of NHS Trusts are unlikely to meet their target, pledged by John Reid in November 2004, of halving Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) incident rates by April 2008. Conference is also concerned about the rise in incidence of Clostridium difficile (C diff) which now poses a bigger […]

NHS Pay – Proposal for All Member Ballot

Conference notes that the 2007/8 pay settlement for the NHS includes a commitment by the Government, Employers and unions to enter into further talks with a view to agreeing a multi-year agreement on pay and other issues. The 2007/8 settlement was agreed in an all member ballot held in September 2007 and was supported by […]


The presentation on legal migration is concerned with policy on the admission of workers to Britain for employment and on the entitlement of such workers once admitted. Government policy on economic migration was set out in the five year strategy announced in February 2005, “Controlling out Borders: Making Migration Work for Britain”. Among other things […]


Conference notes the alarming figures outlined in a research highlighting poverty amongst black groups. In April 2007 the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) published a report confirming that the poverty rate for Britain’s minority ethnic groups stands at 40%, double the 20% found amongst white British people. Minority ethnic groups are also being overlooked for jobs […]


Conference notes the recent spate of knife, gang and gun-related murders of Black youths is deeply concerning. However, former Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s comments that Black communities fail to denounce these crimes and that Black culture is responsible for these tragedies is completely wrong. Black community groups and activists have highlighted that government response to […]

Support for Sakira Singh

UNISON’s delegation to the National Assembly Against Racism AGM held in November 2007 heard a speech from Sakira Singh. Sakira Singh, a 14 year old school girl from South Wales has been repeatedly excluded from school because of wearing an article of faith – the Kara – that represents her belief. Prior to her exclusion, […]

Learning Disability Nurse Training

This conference is becoming increasingly alarmed at reports from across the United Kingdom that learning disability (LD) nurse training is being discontinued or is only taking place in one regional centre. We are also concerned that this seems to be occurring with no proper discussion with the unions, Trusts, carers or service users themselves. There […]