Conference is concerned that there is a section of the women�s membership that don�t have access to computers, including low paid women or those who may not be computer literate. As a consequence, they are losing out on vital information pertaining to issues that directly affect women, for example the menopause or maternity/parental rights etc.Conference […]
Conference motions
The NHS was created over 70 years ago. It is the jewel in the crown of Britain and a radical achievement of the Labour Party. Established just 3 years after the end of World War ll. Aneurin Bevan�s ambition was to build a health service based on 4 principles: Free at the point of use, […]
50 years since the introduction of the Equal Pay Act in the UK, there is no sector in the economy where women are paid the same as men. In 2019 the median pay gap was a shocking 11.9 per cent. In the public sector the pay gap is a shocking 16.7 per cent, an increase […]
Conference, in 2017 a motion was proposed to this conference following the publication of a report by the TUC in 2016 entitled ��Still Just A Bit of Banter��. This report highlighted the ubiquitous sexual harassment that was going on in our workplaces, and even more concerning, the lack of reporting of this harassment to employers […]
“Conference notes that the gender pay gap figures produced on 31 March 2019 stated that the current gender pay gap has risen slightly to 14.2% from 14% the year before. Whilst the public sector pay data is 4% lower than the overall pay gap across all sectors, it is concerning that it is rising in […]
“This Conference notes:2020 is the 50th Anniversary of the introduction of The Equal Pay Act.Conference celebrates the successes of UNISON in using the legislation to achieve equal pay for large numbers of its low paid women members, in particular those in local government. Conference welcomes that in 2017 the Government introduced compulsory gender pay gap […]
Conference note there are pockets of excellent practice around support for women workers during the perimenopause and menopause. For example, Newcross Hospital have successfully rolled out �Menopause Workshops� for staff. Staff are given paid time off to attend and receive advice, guidance and support from a range of professionals. Feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly […]
Conference notes that the definition of menopause is a lack of menstruation for one full year. It usually begins between the ages of 45 and 55 but it can develop before or after this age range. Trans, non binary and inter-sex people may also be affected. Every menopause experience is unique.Symptoms can include hot flushes, […]