This conference notes the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance for employers on workplace risk assessments for workers with disabilities or long-term health conditions, which includes the following advice: • Involve disabled applicants and employees – appreciate the skills and insight they may have to find the best outcome; • Work together with disabled applicants and […]
Conference motions
This conference welcomes the recent survey on professional development for young public service workers by the National Young Members’ Forum which received more than 3000 replies, 98 (3%) of whom identified as disabled. Comments made by disabled respondents included the following: 1)There’s less money in our department’s training budget available. 2)The only training available is […]
The current global financial climate is causing profound difficulties for the most vulnerable in society. The Con-Dem Government has launched major attacks on the welfare of disabled people. Reforms to the benefits system mean many of the benefit payments to disabled people will be cut or removed. Access to Work, a system that has been […]
The Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is to be replaced from 2013/14 with the new Personal Independence Payment. It is completely clear that the Con-Dem multi-millionaire Government are introducing it to reduce the overall public budget devoted to giving allowances to disabled workers. Already the draft criteria for assessment of Personal Independence Payment rely heavily on […]
The Scottish Government has put a Police and Fire Reform bill before Parliament. One of the aims of the bill is to realise considerable savings through the efficiencies of rationalisation. The new Police Service for Scotland will involve an amalgamation of the current 8 Forces and Scottish Police Services Authority (SPSA) into one Scottish Force. […]
This conference notes the devastating effects that the proposed outsourcing and privatisation processes being undertaken by West Midlands and Surrey Police forces will have on the Police Service and the communities that they serve. This conference believes that outsourcing will never be of benefit to our members, and that direct employment within the public sector […]
Conference believes that in a time of cuts, there has been an increase in the use of grievance procedures to attempt to resolve difficult issues ranging from bullying in the workplace to favouritism. Conference notes that different employers have many different ways of dealing with and resolving grievances, and there is a wide variation in […]
This Conference notes the increasing use of the PCSO position as a stepping-stone into the rank of Constable. Some forces, including the Metropolitan Police, now require new Police Officers to serve a period of time as either a PCSO or a Special Constable before becoming a Police Officer. This Conference believes that the role of […]
Conference, the threat included amongst the Winsor recommendations to withdraw shift premia and weekend working allowances present Unison with an opportunity to recruit staff in occupational groups where the removal of these elements of pay would have a massive impact. This motion calls for Unison to produce specific recruitment materials aimed at these workers .
Conference, the Winsor recommendations would mean that many of our members would lose a substantial amount of pay , and pension, because they will no longer receive shift premia or weekend allowance. This loss will mean people may lose their homes, will fall into debt, may decide they cannot afford to start a family, or […]
This conference deplores the attempt by a probation trust to impose uniforms on some staff as part of their terms and conditions. This is a unilateral imposition and it is not motivated by health and safety requirements. This conference urges Unison probation negotiators to continue to seek to protect terms and conditions for all staff […]
Conference notes the publication of the second part of Tom Winsor’s Report into the future of police staff pay and conditions in England and Wales in March 2012. This second instalment of the Winsor Review was billed by the Government and Tom Winsor as offering a strategic vision of what pay and conditions should look […]
Conference is deeply concerned at the way in which proposals for a new Policing Professional Body are being put together. The governance structures of the new body, which replaces the training and development functions of the National Policing Improvement Agency and some aspects of the Association of Chief Police Officers, are set to become completely […]
Conference condemns the growing threat of attacks on elected trade union representatives, at both the local level and nationally in police, probation and the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (CAFCASS). Conference notes that on the same day that a million UNISON members took industrial action to defend their pensions, Prime Minister David Cameron […]
Conference recognises that the election of Police and Crime Commissioners in November this year will fundamentally change the landscape of policing and potentially a wide range of other justice services in the future. UNISON was opposed to the concept of Police and Crime Commissioners, because we did not believe that a single elected politician could […]