Gender Pay Justice for Women

Women face low pay at work and low pension in retirement and the gap just doesn’t seem to decrease. The Financial Times reported in September 2023 that hundreds of councils face equal pay claims. Many of the biggest unitary authorities are facing equal pay claims. Women workers are lodging claims because their employers are failing […]

Pay and funding in local government

Conference notes that the cost of living crisis across the UK continues. While the rate of inflation has begun to fall, the prices of food, energy and housing continue to increase. Because the prices of essentials are rising faster than other goods, it is the lowest paid who are affected the most by continued inflation. […]

A new negotiating body for school support staff

Conference notes the Labour Party’s announcement that it will introduce a distinct negotiating body for school support staff if it wins the 2024 general election. The last Labour Government had begun the process of introducing such a body, but it was abolished by the Coalition Government before it had been established. Conference strongly welcomes this […]

Supporting and developing young members and activists within the UNISON Local Government Service Group

Conference recognises the importance of recruiting and organising young workers within the local government service group. Sustainable recruitment of young workers is essential if UNISON is to maintain a strong and relevant presence within local government. Focusing on recruiting young workers will help UNISON to grow in strength in the coming years. As a trade […]

Cuts in domestic violence services

Domestic abuse affects women of all classes, ages, races and religions as well as lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. Domestic violence can be a particular concern for disabled women. According to researchers, more than one in four women in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Abuse can occur in many forms, it […]

Tackling the exploitation of migrant workers

Conference notes the findings of UNISON’s report “Expendable Labour” published in November 2023 that found widespread and distressing exploitation of migrant workers in the social care sector. The report found workers exploited by care employers and left exposed by a government that should be protecting them. Given inadequate training, living in poor conditions and threatened […]

Supporting Organising in Community Hybrid Workplaces

This branch has found that in many community workplaces since the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees now opt for complete homeworking or hybrid working (coming into the office two days a week) if they have the option to do so. Furthermore, many charities have closed their offices, forcing their workers to become homeworkers. Many community employers […]

Working with trans and non-binary service users

Conference notes the success of the National Lesbian, Gay, Trans and Bisexual Plus (LGBT+) Committee’s campaign on trans equality, particularly the trans ally training programme. Over 1,000 UNISON members have now been trained, and trans and non-binary members are being trained to deliver the training and reach even more members. Conference reaffirms our commitment to […]

Intersectional zero tolerance to hate crimes

This conference is deeply concerned by the steep rise in hate crime across the United Kingdom (UK) in the last 5 years. Conference welcomes progress made by UNISON over many years in campaigning and negotiating for equality both in and outside of the workplace. Conference is alarmed by the rapid rise in homophobic, bi-phobic, transphobic, […]


Conference considers that organising workers around a common experience is central to our movement. Prejudice and discrimination are deep-rooted, Members who identify as women, Black, disabled, LGBT+, young and retired members have traditionally been under-represented in democratic structures. Our self-organised groups (SOGs) and National Young Members’ Forum (NYMF) and retired members’ committee are essential to […]

Increasing non-binary and gender diverse inclusion

Conference notes that in 2022, the national transgender caucus changed its name to the trans, non-binary and gender diverse network to be more inclusive of all gender identities and expression beyond the gender binary. Conference welcomes this more inclusive name for the network. Conference further notes that our non-binary and gender diverse members make a […]

Addressing the lack of Black LGBT+ participation

Conference notes that this is the Year of Black Workers. UNISON has an estimated 185,000 Black members. Racial discrimination and unfairness continue to be an every-day experience for Black people at work, and in wider society. Even within our own union and within the self-organised groups (SOGs) there are barriers to Black members achieving their […]

30 years on: Re-affirming our commitment to supporting LGBT+ Asylum and Immigration rights.

Conference recalls and celebrates the significant work undertaken over the last thirty years by the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Plus (LGBT+) Committee both within UNISON and in collaboration with national and international partners on the issues affecting LGBT+ asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant workers. Conference notes the “Equality and the UK Asylum process” […]


Conference notes conversion therapy that includes medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious, cultural or any other interventions that seek to erase, repress or change the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of a person remains completely permissible under law in the United Kingdom (UK). This is a huge concern. Conference welcomes the motions passed at the 2021 and […]

Police with Pride

Conference notes with concern the decision in 2022 by London Pride that the Metropolitan Police could not march at pride in uniform, and the decision in 2023 by Brighton Pride that Kent Police would not be welcome to march this year. However, Conference also notes the Baroness Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police reported “institutional […]