The National Womens Caucus is disappointed that only 15 mins was allocated to them for their caucus meeting. Due to other meetings overrunning it meant that the Womens Caucus meeting was rushed & that they did not have sufficient time to discuss their issues. The Womens Caucus therefore call upon the NDMC when planning their […]
Conference motions
Shared Space This Conference welcomes the launching of a report on Shared Surfaces by the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association on September 15, 2006. This report is also welcomed by a number of other disability organisations including the British Council of Disabled People (BCODP) and outlines the affect on blind and partially sighted and […]
Disabled people are constantly presented with barriers, and in some cases hazards arising from modern methods of packaging products. In terms of labelling particularly foods stuffs and medications there are major barriers as a consequence arising from the formats used to produced such information. Therefore this conference calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee to […]
Historically disabled people have been victims of discrimination, marginalisation and in some cases, murder under fascist regimes. This National Disabled Members Conference applauds and fully supports UNISON nationally for its publicity campaigns that expose the British National Party for what it really is – an organization that discriminates against people on ground of disability, sexual […]
West Midlands Regional Disabled Self-Organised Forum notes that with the further provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act coming into effect on the 4 December 2006 instructs the National Disabled Members Committee to work with both National and Regional Unison Education Officers to produce and provide a specialised training programme for Lay Activists and Staff in […]
Conference applauds UNISON’s commitment to ensuring that its members are kept informed on various health issues. This information is generated by various committees within UNISON including Health and Safety and Women’s Self Organization etc. Many of these leaflets and publications could be used to inform members of their rights under the Disability Discrimination Act. The […]
Conference is concerned about the Government’s respect initiative, in particular its effect on people who are neurodiverse. Conference recognises that neurodiverse people are often extremely marginalise. Many face daily harassment and discrimination due to the failure of society to acknowledge and meet their support/needs. Conference believes that anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) are being served on […]
This Conference notes that: 1)There are 6.8 million disabled people of working age in Britain – 1 in 5 of the total working population. 2)Only 50% of disabled people of working age are in employment compared to 81% of non-disabled people. 3)1 million disabled people without a job want to work 4)The average gross hourly […]
1)Item i) first paragraph, last sentance “Such members must be Deaf native British Sign Language Users and at least one shall be a woman”. Delete native as British Sign Language Users and insert and/or Hearing impaired 2)Item vii) where members are listed Deaf Members insert and/or Hearing Impaired
Assistance Dogs not only make available a specific service to their handlers, but also develop their lives to the highest degree with a new sense of freedom and liberty. The goals regarding individuals with disabilities are to guarantee equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and financially viable independence. The use of Assistance dogs helps […]
Disabled people who hold a Disabled Persons Railcard have derived much benefit from the fact that they can economically access the national railway network. It is therefore difficult for a Disabled Persons Railcard holder to find that Transport for London do not recognise the Disabled Persons Railcard as a document on which the holder can […]
This Conference notes that the Government published its ‘Welfare Reform Bill on 4th July 2006. This Bill contains powers to replace incapacity benefits with a new Employment Support Allowance. The Government have said that they do not intend to force people back into work where it is not appropriate and that people will continue to […]
Conference is appalled by the continuing discrimination by employers towards disabled members when using Sickness Absence policies. Many of these employers carry the two tick logo. Schemes like the ‘Bradford Factor’, where a disabled member could pick up 1000’s of points with ongoing treatment for their disability, place staff under massive pressure to reduce their […]
Conference welcomes the Governments commitment to supporting disabled people into work. However, conference is concerned that the proposals on welfare reform focus on sanctions, rather than on removing the barriers that disabled people face in accessing the labour market. High levels of unemployment and discrimination make it hard for disabled people to gain and retain […]
This Conference recognises the disproportionate incidence of disability status of women compared with men. Women experience female organ Cancers of the cervix and uterus, twice as many women than men are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the incidence of mental health impairment is considerably higher for women than men. The impairment consequences of Female Genital […]