Conference notes that Ministers have announced that the Department for Work and Pensions will not extend the contract for the Post Office card account beyond 2010 despite the fact that 2.3 million pensioners use the card as a way of collecting their state pension. When the Government ended the use of pension books in 2003, […]
Conference motions
Conference notes that on May 25th 2006 the Government published a Pensions White Paper setting out how it planned to implement the recommendations of the Turner Report. The White Paper contains some positive proposals intended to increase the value of the state pension in the light of the decline of many occupational pensions and include […]
The South East Region Retired Members’ Committee strongly objects to the resolution passed at the National Delegate Conference 2006 apparently down grading retired members’ committees to the status of forums, without consultation with retired members at any level. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to vigorously seek to regain the original status for retired […]
Delete Standing Order 9.1 and insert new Standing Order 9.1: ‘If, at the end of the Conference, the Final Agenda has not been concluded, outstanding motions and amendments shall be referred to the National Retired Members Committee which shall report to members its decisions on those matters. All such motions and amendments shall be responded […]
Delete Standing Order 4.1 and insert new Standing Order 4.1: ‘The mover of a motion or an amendment shall not be allowed to speak for more than five minutes and each succeeding speaker for not more than three minutes, except where the Standing Orders Committee have decided otherwise.’
Conference supports the view that to use the information needed to set the increase in state pension in the month of March that year preceding the April announcement would be much fairer because it would take into account any recent increases in costs, rather than using September the previous year. Conference calls upon the National […]
Conference notes that: 1)each winter more than 25,000 older people die from cold-related illnesses; 2)in the last five years more than 130,000 people over 65 have died as a result of the cold; 3)EU countries that experience more severe winters than the UK, such as Finland, Denmark and Austria all have much lower levels of […]
Age limits imposed by insurance firms are varied and outdated in respect of travel, medical, life and car insurances. It is clear discrimination against older people. Conference calls on the National Executive Council to make representation through the appropriate channels to remedy this unfair state of discrimination.
Conference notes that over recent years many older people have been facing large increases in their Council Tax bills. However, up to two million pensioners are missing out on Council Tax Benefit which could cut their bill by £540 a year. Council Tax Benefit is the most unclaimed benefit of all – with pensioners losing […]
Conference congratulates those Public Transport Authorities who have joined together in partnership to provide free bus travel to those over 60 across and throughout their neighbouring boundaries. However, Conference deplores the fact that some authorities have less favourable schemes and continue to charge those over 60 the former concessionary fares for certain stages of a […]
Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to campaign for improvement in the monitoring of the quality of care for the elderly, disabled and chronically sick delivered by all providers. The malnutrition and abuse of the elderly must be eradicated, and the valuable work done by carers recognised. Conference also calls for the re-affirmation of […]
Conference condemns the continuing uncertainty for and inequitable treatment of elderly, disabled or chronically sick persons taking up or residing in a nursing or residential home. This is because of the independent powers vested in local authorities to determine the extent to which the applicant and/or their family is required to contribute to the costs […]
With regard to the 25 per cent discount enjoyed by people in single occupancy, Conference feels that this discount should also apply to retired couples. It is extremely unfair and discriminatory for this government to be so single-minded. This situation needs to be rectified. Conference therefore asks that the National Retired Members’ Committee make branches […]
Defend Council Housing was set up in 1998 to fight against the privatisation of council housing and for direct investment to make council housing first class housing for all who need it. The campaign unites council tenants, trade unionists and activists around Britain. UNISON is affiliated to Defend Council Housing. UNISON branches and regional councils […]
Conference supports the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) in its request that all trade unions encourage retired members to set up arrangements for the payment of £1 annually towards the work of the NPC. Much of the campaigning work of UNISON’s retired members is carried out through the NPC and without an adequate source of income […]