Police Officer Uplift

Conference gives a cautious welcome to the pledge of the government, made on 26 July this year, to recruit an additional 20,000 police officers. UNISON has been campaigning for many years to reverse the damaging cuts to policing, so this promise of new investment in the police workforce is good news. But Conference notes that […]

New Police Misconduct Regulations and their potential misapplication

Conference is concerned by the introduction and application of the new police misconduct regulations 2019 (currently in draft form) due to reach royal ascent in January 2020. These regulations seek to take Police Staff into the police misconduct process and there is genuine concern that local forces will attempt to amend police staff misconduct procedures […]

What about Police Staff?

Conference is well aware that when Boris Johnson became Prime Minister on the 23rd July 2019 there would be grand gestures? One of his first was to announce in his maiden speech at the dispatch box in Prime Ministers Questions, that he was a going to recruit 20,000 Police Officers in order to bring the […]

Supporting LGBT+ members in police and justice

Conference notes that despite the government telling us that ‘austerity is over’ cuts to our public services continue, with lack of funding to police and justice services causing mass job losses, department closures, and outsourcing. Whilst UNISON leads the way in the fight to save jobs there are times when jobs cannot be saved, such […]

Career progression for Police Staff

In the recent survey that UNISON undertook into wellbeing amongst Police Staff nearly 80% of respondents said that they had no defined career structure. Conference rightly agrees that this is unacceptable to both the individual staff members and also the forces. Forces need to work harder to retain talented and hardworking police staff. Conference also […]

Privatisation of Approved Premises

Conferences notes that… Approved Premises or AP’s are one of the core elements of the Probation Service’s responsibilities. They accommodate, in local communities, recently released prisoners to support and enable them to return to society post release from custody, most often from lengthy sentences. The National Probation Service (NPS) is moving its AP estate from […]

Police Force Gender Pay Gaps

Conference notes with concern the evidence of gender pay gaps for police staff in forces in England and Wales. From 6 April 2018 all public sector employers, including police forces, have been required by law (Gender Pay Gap Regulations) to publish details of their gender pay gap. The requirement is for this data to be […]

A Call to End Overly Intrusive Vetting Practices

Conference recognises the necessity for all police staff and officers to undergo vetting checks before a career in the police service begins. It is also acknowledged that these checks need to be reviewed at regular intervals, for the safety of staff, the public and the police service. However, many Forces are overreaching their authority by […]

Time for a Police Staff Mobile App

Conference will note that since the introduction of the revised Police Staff Council Pay & Conditions of Service Handbook in April 2017 many of our members continue to struggle to understand their workplace rights. Our members often have to make immediate decisions and will most likely not have quick access to the Handbook and Guide […]

Future Model of Probation

Conference notes the Government’s intentions to dismantle its failed Transforming Rehabilitation reforms by bringing all offender management work currently undertaken by the private Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) under the control and direction of the public sector National Probation Service (NPS). Whilst Conference welcomes the return of this important part of probation to public ownership, Conference […]

Custody – Is it Time for a Detention Officer to Cell Capacity Ratio?

Conference will recognise the devastating impact on staffing levels in the police service as a result of Austerity led reductions in funding to the service. Many cell blocks have been closed and staff made redundant or not replaced when they leave to save money. As a result, our members in Custody are often being forced to […]

Bring Back All Probation Work into the Public Sector at Local Level

Conference notes that the government intends to leave unpaid work, programmes and other rehabilitative services out in the private or voluntary sector when offender management is transferred into National Probation Service (NPS) Wales/NPS in 2019 and 2021. Conference is totally opposed to this latest arbitrary split in probation which will only serve to extend and […]

Serious Further Offences

Conference notes that the current process for Serious Further Offences (SFO’s) in the National Probation Service is to assess the quality of practice in the management of an individual case leading up to the SFO. Conference further notes that during this investigation, information is gleaned in order to improve future practice. The process is not […]

National Collective Bargaining and Protecting Members’ Terms and Conditions

Conference recognises the importance of national collective bargaining for the protection of members’ terms and conditions across all sectors in the Service Group. The Police Staff Council for England and Wales and the Police Scotland and the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) negotiating machineries are essential for this protection. National collective […]

Organising for Probation Reunification

Conference notes the Government’s announcement that all offender management work currently undertaken by the Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) in England will transfer to the National Probation Service (NPS) in spring 2021 and in Wales by the end of 2019. This is likely to involve the transfer not only of approximately 7,000 staff from the CRCs […]