Disability in the workplace – do employers go further than ticking a box?

There is no doubt that the workplace has progressed concerning employing staff with a disability, but there is still a lot of work required. We need to ask employers to assess their workplaces regularly. They need to look at policies, access, reasonable adjustments and attitudes in the workplace as a part of the overall work […]

Urgent reform of the Probation Service Job Evaluation Scheme

Conference, colleagues working for the Probation Service will be aware of the ongoing difficulties faced by staff when their roles become subject to job evaluation. Recent experience has made it all too clear to UNISON members that the employer clearly views this as a scheme owned by HMPPS rather than a shared agreement with the […]

Communicating with Retired Members

This Conference is aware of the need to communicate effectively and regularly with retired members. Unlike most working colleagues retired members do not have a workplace or an administrative base at which they can be reached. Retired members live at home. They rely on the Royal Mail or on email for their information from UNISON. […]

Continuing the Legacy of UNISON’s ‘Year of’ Celebrations within the Police and Justice Service Group

West Midlands Region Motion to Police and Justice Conference 2024 Continuing the Legacy of UNISON’s ‘Year of’ Celebrations within the Police and Justice Service Group UNISON has a proud tradition of helping workers to fight for fairness and equality in the workplace and wider society. This tradition has been reinforced by UNISON’s decision to dedicate […]

Digital Exclusion

A recent study by Age UK showed that a total of 2.7 million people aged 65 and over do not use the internet, equivalent to around one in five (22%) of this age group. This group of people are becoming left behind and excluded from an increasingly digital world. From this point of view, a […]

Public Conveniences

“This Conference notes the decline in available public toilets, which according to a survey undertaken by the Royal Society for Public Health in 2019, means that three in every four people in the UK reported a lack of public toilets in their area. This matter has a particular impact on older people as well as […]

Violence at work is a Police Staff issue

UNISON has quite rightly mounted a campaign against violence at work and introduced a violence at work charter. It is a campaign that is fully supported by Police Staff members. Violence at work involves any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened, or assaulted (either physically or verbally) in circumstances relating to their work. […]


Police Officers are not employees but servants of the Crown. Their conditions of service are governed by statute contained within Police Regulations, including those around conduct and pensions and updates from The Home Office. Police Officers are not allowed to be members of a Trade Union but may join The Police Federation (for ranks from […]


Conference, we have seen over recent years the restrictions, scrutiny and regulation placed on Police Staff has increased considerably bringing us even closer to the limitations placed on police officers. We are all aware that the needs of our members when faced with misconduct, performance, vetting and many other restrictive requirements put our members very […]


This conference believes that all members in the Police & Justice Service Group are entitled to the best representation possible, particularly when it comes to achieving pay settlements. Our members in areas of the delivery of police services that have been outsourced, are still very much part of the police family. Many of the companies […]

Campaign for a fair funding formula

The way that this funding is calculated determines how much each police force receives, which in turn will determines how many police staff each force can afford to employ. In order for each force to meet its policing need, the funding model needs to be sufficient enough to provide each area with an acceptable level […]

On line Banking

Conference notes that some banks, not content with closing down branches and reducing physical access to banking, are now unilaterally informing customers that their accounts have moved “on line” and that they will no longer receive statements by post. This policy discriminates particularly against older people who either cannot afford to have internet access or […]

Pensioner Poverty

Conference notes that, despite the Triple Lock formula, pensioner poverty is rising in the UK. A recent Report by the Fabian Society also shows that the number of 60 year olds who are not yet eligible for the State Pension, living in poverty, has tripled since the Tories took power in 2010. Conference also notes […]

Work Life Balance and the right to Disconnect

There have been significant changes to working patterns and practices that have happened since the pandemic, including a large rise in remote and hybrid working, including in Energy sector employers. Greater flexibility should be welcomed where this works for staff. Some disabled women and women with caring responsibilities may find more home working a useful […]

Long term Impact of Working from Home and Hybrid Working on Energy Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and hybrid work models, challenging traditional notions of the workplace. As we transition into a post-pandemic world, it is crucial to examine the benefits and challenges associated with these new ways of working. Since 2020 the role of working from home and hybrid working has […]