Conference recalls that caucuses for black members, disabled members, lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender members and women members were introduced to the programme of this conference in 2009. Conference confirms that the caucuses make a valuable contribution to the conference but believes their arrangements could be improved. Conference therefore instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee […]
Conference motions
Conference notes that more and more branches are likely to consider employing staff such as caseworkers, administrators and organisers to assist with the growing levels of work and the fragmentation of the public sector Conference believes that UNISON branches should be exemplary employers, follow ACAS best practice guidelines and provide good levels of support and […]
Conference welcomes the latest Branch Resources Review. UNISON faces ever increasing challenges provoked by the policies of this Coalition Government. The austerity agenda, with its drive to cut public spending and privatise public services, places major challenges on our organisation to mobilise major national and regional campaigns, as well as support our members in responding […]
Conference notes that the people of Colombia have been subjected to neo-conservative governments for the last 20 years which have openly embraced all aspects of the free market with no restrictions on how these operate. In this context there are peace negotiations taking place in Havana between the Colombian Governments and FARC. The real likelihood […]
This conference believes that a safe working environment is a right for everyone. There is a requirement under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Act 2003 and the Fire Scotland Act 2005 for employers to provide adequate resources to ensure that the workplace has taken […]
From title ‘Standing Orders for National Women’s Conference’ Delete all and replace with: 1.APPLICATION OF STANDING ORDERS 1.1These Standing Orders shall apply to all meetings of the National Women’s Conference. 2.STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE 2.1The members of the Standing Orders Committee shall hold office from the end of one National Women’s Conference until the end of […]
Conference declares that effective and workable communication to all retired members is essential to the present and future interests of all retired members’ groups, and is disappointed at the lack of progress by the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) in developing a clear policy for this purpose. Conference also regrets that no report has been […]
Conference believes that council tax is an inherently unfair tax which does not properly reflect people’s ability to pay. More importantly it is not based on an equitable system for calculating amounts that should be paid. This is most clearly demonstrated by the current system of council tax collection, which specifically affects pensioners who pay […]
National Retired Members Conference is to be congratulated on producing the Annual Report for questioning by members in advance of the National Retired Members Conference. However, the time scale for questioning in 2006 was inadequate. There does not appear to be any reason why the Annual Report is not circulated to retired members in June. […]
This Conference Supports the development of the NHS Green Travel plan, which encourages the use of public transport, walking and cycling to work. Accordingly Conference agrees to 1)Support the NHS Environmental travel plans 2)Calls for a ring fencing of a percentage of car parking for the use of showers, changing facilities and safe bicycle storage […]
Conference believes that since delegates to this Conference are either lone women or groups of women, they face a greater risk to their personal safety than delegates at other conferences. We would like to know that the hotels we are invited to stay in have been checked for access, health and safety; are suitable for […]
Retired Members’ Conference 2003 passed a motion which instructed the National Retired Members’ Committee to submit proposals to the 2004 Conference, to establish a fair quota system for branch attendance at future Retired Members’ Conferences. No proposals were submitted to that Conference. Conference, therefore, instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to implement a quota system […]
This conference recognises that fragmentation of our branches in the conventional sense is taking place. Service Group Executive members on UNISONs ‘Structures Review Group’ should urgently address the range of facilities afforded by employers. This is called for in the face of the most advanced package of changes in the NHS yet faced by branches. […]
No trade union is more committed to fighting poverty than is UNISON. Conference is proud that this is so. But Conference wishes to raise a note of caution. This caution is not intended to cause any less pressure to be brought in regard to making poverty history. But Conference believes that women will continue to […]
·Conference deplores the failure of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Trusts within Northern Ireland to exercise their statutory obligations under Section 75 and Statutory Duty in employing and providing services for those with disabilities; · ·Conference calls on UNISON to seek an immediate Audit of the numbers of disabled staff employed within the Northern […]