Conference notes that to reach net zero we need a clear energy policy that is fit for purpose. We have seen too many times Governments moving the goalposts when it comes to a clear vision of what we need to achieve net zero. We have seen the roll back on the current Tory Governments’ timelines […]
Conference motions
Conference notes the significant changes that have taken place across the Energy Sector in the last decade. Conference instructs the Energy Service Group Executive to undertake a review of the Service Group Executive constitution and bring any proposals changes to the current terms of reference to Energy Conference 2025.
Conference acknowledges the importance of self-organisation within UNISON as it allows marginalised groups within the union to challenge discrimination in the workplace and to campaign in wider society. Conference also notes that members of self-organised groups are a valuable resource to the energy service group as they have knowledge and experience of how our workplaces […]
Conference notes that 2024 is UNISON’s Year of LGBT+ Workers and welcomes the opportunity that this provides to promote UNISON as the union for LGBT+ workers in the energy sector, raise awareness of LGBT+ rights, challenge discrimination, negotiate LGBT+ inclusive policies and recruit and activate LGBT+ members in the energy industry. The year highlights the […]
There have been significant changes to working patterns and practices that have happened since the pandemic, including a large rise in remote and hybrid working, including in Energy sector employers. Greater flexibility should be welcomed where this works for staff. Some disabled women and women with caring responsibilities may find more home working a useful […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and hybrid work models, challenging traditional notions of the workplace. As we transition into a post-pandemic world, it is crucial to examine the benefits and challenges associated with these new ways of working. Since 2020 the role of working from home and hybrid working has […]
This conference recognises the critical importance of UNISON’s “Organising to Win’ national strategy that provides a vision of a stronger UNISON with a plan to increase member participation, build a bigger and more representative activist base, and achieve sustainable membership growth. In the Energy Sector we need to strengthen the collective voice to protect the […]
This conference recognises the urgent need to commence negotiations across the energy sector for a just transition for the energy workforce supporting the crucial role that unions play in ensuring workers are protected and empowered throughout this transition. We believe that by promoting union-led just transition initiatives, we can create a sustainable and equitable future […]
A survey conducted in 2023 by Censuswide found that many young people in the UK were considering delaying or deciding not to have children. More than half cited financial reasons as the number one reason for this. Conference notes that statutory maternity leave in the United Kingdom is issued for up to 52 weeks. Local […]
Unison and other unions were told in 2022 that the local government employers would not negotiate on car allowance rates. The employers told us this was now a local issue despite the rates being part of the Green Book. Mileage rates have not changed since 2011 and have been significantly eroded by inflation. UNISON estimate […]
This motion aims to further address the issue of neurodiverse women in the workplace, especially women working in the Energy sector workplaces and how they can be appropriately supported in careers. More women are being diagnosed as neurodiverse, yet many women are still waiting for tests and a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD. As a […]
Conference is concerned that disabled members in local government are being penalised for using their cars to travel to and from work and for work purposes. Disabled workers often have no option but to use their cars for work as public transport is either inaccessible or inappropriate for their needs. Current NJC mileage rates for […]
Conference notes that our members employed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) work tirelessly to ensure the public eats safe and clean meat, dairy and seafood. Our membership is not getting any younger, so we must widen our reach to attract other roles within the Agency. Conference also notes […]
Since the establishment of the Scottish Joint Council and National Joint Council agreements, our members have seen significant decline in their terms and conditions, pay and protection arrangements. This may also be the case in other local government bargaining areas. The decline has resulted in a post code lottery across all local authorities – this […]
Conference, stress caused by OFSTED has featured frequently in the news over the past few years, with reports on how the pressure of OFSTED has detrimentally impacted the health and wellbeing of headteachers and teachers in schools. But sadly, the impact a visit from OFSTED has on support staff is often overlooked. When a school […]