On Monday 5th November 2012 a man was arrested and subsequently released with a caution after he admitted a public order offence for a homophobic attack on two Manchester residents on a train from Blackpool. Delegates may have seen this posted on YouTube. Conference is aware of the high profile case of the racist Jacqueline […]
Conference motions
Conference is concerned that on 6 October the newly appointed Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, stated that he backs halving the legal time limit for women to have abortions, from 24 to 12 weeks. Only days earlier Maria Miller, the new Minister for Women and Equalities, said she supported a cut to 20 […]
MOTION TO LGBT CONFERENCE Conference notes that the Minister for Women and Equalities is now Maria Miller, the former Minister for Disability. During Miller’s term of office as Disability Minister, we have seen unprecedented attacks on the rights of disabled people: • The closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) and funding passed to local […]
MOTION TO LGBT CONFERENCE Conference notes that attitudes towards disabled people have worsened in the current economic climate and have been exacerbated by the Government. The government provides misinformation about disabled people and benefits which has led to a hate campaign by tabloid press and the scapegoating of disabled people. Labelled as ‘scroungers’ one tabloid […]
MOTION TO NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE Conference deplores the head-long attack on equalities from the Tory-led Westminster government and their attempts to dismantle workplace rights. Conference notes that this is particularly vitriolic in relation to public services, with the public sector equality duty portrayed as burdensome bureaucracy and public sector workers lampooned as well-rewarded, secure and […]
MOTION TO LGBT CONFERENCE Conference notes with concern that recent immigration rule changes have – amongst other new restrictions – introduced a minimum income threshold for those wanting to sponsor a non-European Economic Area (EEA) partner to join them in the UK. This threshold starts at £18,600, rising to £22,400 for a partner and one […]
MOTION TO LGBT CONFERENCE Conference welcomes the election of Portia Simpson Miller as the first woman prime minister of Jamaica and celebrates the 50th Year of Jamaican Independence. Conference notes that Jamaica’s last prime minister had said he would not allow any homosexuals to serve in his cabinet. But Portia Simpson Miller said in a […]
Conference notes the positive steps and campaigns taken by UNISON’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self organised group (SOG) to tackle violence against women both within the United Kingdom (UK) and as part of our International agenda. It is the right of all women regardless of their race, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation or […]
Conference acknowledges the work that UNISON does to raise awareness of domestic abuse. UNISON published a model domestic violence and abuse policy in 2010 and works to ensure stewards and work place representatives understand that domestic abuse also has an impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, and that they know where to […]
Conference notes that the Bisexuality Report published by the Open University earlier this year on the experiences of bisexual people in the UK advised that: ‘Of all the larger sexual identity groups, bisexual people have the worst mental health problems, including high rates of depression, anxiety, self harm and suicide. This has been strongly linked […]
Conference notes that the 54 Commonwealth states comprise one quarter of United Nations (UN) member states: one third of all humanity. The Commonwealth defines itself as a free and equal association of nations committed to the core principles of democracy, human rights, equality, non-discrimination, opportunity for all, liberty of the individual and human dignity. Yet […]
Conference expresses concern about serious health inequalities still experienced by trans people, in general health services and services specific to gender identity issues. Scottish Transgender Alliance (STA) research revealed: 1)Mental health problems, including suicide, self harm, anxiety and depression; 2)Lack of primary care facilities – many general practitioners having little or no knowledge of transgender […]
Conference welcomes UNISON’s increased use of social media as an additional tool to reach its members. Nationally UNISON has an active presence on facebook, twitter and pinterest and many regions and branches also run their own accounts on social media sites. Conference believes that effective communication is fundamental to ensuring that the right information reaches […]
Conference notes that, although trade unionists know that the global banking crisis was not caused by Labour’s investment in Sure Start, in extra teaching assistants or in reducing National Health Service waiting times, the Tory lie that excess public spending was the cause of the current economic crisis is believed by much of the public. […]
Conference notes that as we approach the third year of this Tory-led government’s attack on public service workers and failed austerity measures, swathes of workers face worsening terms and conditions. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are affected like any other worker, as pay and conditions are undermined. But the impact on terms and […]