Conference calls on the National Disabled Members’ Committee to campaign vigorously to the National Executive Council to ensure that all UNISON buildings conform to the Discrimination Disability Act 1995 (DDA) amended regulations relating to disabled access. The union has had five years to update its buildings and we expect UNISON to set an example to […]
Conference motions
Conference notes the increasing use of email as a means of communicating with lay members, activists and officers within the union. With this increased use of email some disabled members are being disenfranchised and placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to others for reasons related to their disability. Branches need to be made aware that […]
We have serious concerns regarding the commitment of the rail industry towards disabled people. Many stations have no ramps or lifts and platforms are only accessible by bridges across the tracks. When stations are refurbished disabled access on them does not improve either which clearly shows a lack of commitment towards disabled people using the […]
Conference remains concerned that public sector employers do not have substantial and positive strategies for employing people with learning and physically disabilities. There are currently over a million disabled people in the UK who want work but cannot access employment. We are particularly concerned that existing arrangements within the disability benefit and tax credit systems […]
Conference welcomes guidance produced by the European Safety and Health Agency that says that health and safety issues should not be used as an excuse for not employing or not continuing to employ disabled people. Its factsheet adds that a workplace that is accessible and safe for disabled people is also safer and more accessible […]
Conference welcomes the government’s response to the report of the joint committee on the draft disability bill with its commitment to extend the Disability Discrimination Act to provide new anti-discrimination measures for people with HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis that will be implemented in December 2005. We are pleased that these disabled people will no […]
Conference is concerned about the government’s plans to abolish road tax and petrol duty, charging motorists instead on a per mile basis to travel. A driver or passenger entitled to the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance should be exempt from any new charges. Pay per mile driving could be particularly detrimental to […]
Access to justice is the right of every person, it is a fundamental human right. It is an essential part of our democratic society. Equal access to an independent, impartial and speedy justice system is a fundamental pillar of democracy. Disabled people face barriers to justice as they often do not understand their rights or […]
The disability two ticks symbol is a charter mark awarded through Job Centre Plus, Department for Works & Pensions (DWP) and is available to any organisation that can prove and attain five standards: 1)to interview all applicants with a disability who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and consider them on their abilities; […]
Conference deplores the use of disabled parking spaces by non-badge holders. These spaces have been reduced in numbers considerably, especially in supermarkets, which is bad enough, but when they are blatantly used by other than badge holders, this compounds the infringements on the rights of a disabled person to park near the shop entrance. Some […]
Conference notes the Local Government Pay Commission’s call for strong action by Government, councils and trade unions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to promote equality in local government, based on its view that “Equality in local government employment is a necessity not an option”. In particular Conference welcomes the Commission’s call for: 1)Guidance on […]
Conference believes that the UK desperately needs investment in decent, affordable, secure and democratically accountable housing to provide first class homes for all that need them. Further deplores the failure of the UK’s respective governments to tackle the backlog of repairs to council homes. We now know that council housing in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland […]
Conference notes that, throughout the UK, services for children are under extreme pressure. In education, in social services, and in health care, despite the skills and dedication of hundreds of thousands of workers, the system is reaching breaking point and children and their families do not consistently receive the basic services required to ensure their […]
Conference recognises that the current TUPE regulations are flawed and are not effectively protecting our members who are transferred to other employers. Conference therefore calls on the Service Group Executive in conjunction with the General and Affiliated Political Funds to ensure that the TUPE regulations are amended to ensure that all employees who transfer to […]
This Conference urges the Service Group Executive to enter into appropriate negotiations to put an end to the inequalities and unjust disparity between local government staff and local government school based staff. Such representation should seek the end of Local Management of Schools (LMS) and that staffing powers for schools be handed back to the […]