Stop Period Poverty

Period products aren’t free and accessible in the UK, which means that many people can’t afford or access them. ‘Period poverty’ means being unable to access sanitary products and having a poor knowledge of menstruation often due to financial constraints. Period poverty has increased because of successive years of austerity and the cost-of-living crisis. In […]

Work Life Balance and the right to Disconnect

There have been significant changes to working patterns and practices that have happened since the pandemic, including a large rise in remote and hybrid working, including in Energy sector employers. Greater flexibility should be welcomed where this works for staff. Some disabled women and women with caring responsibilities may find more home working a useful […]

Long term Impact of Working from Home and Hybrid Working on Energy Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and hybrid work models, challenging traditional notions of the workplace. As we transition into a post-pandemic world, it is crucial to examine the benefits and challenges associated with these new ways of working. Since 2020 the role of working from home and hybrid working has […]

Neurodiversity and Women Members

This motion aims to further address the issue of neurodiverse women in the workplace, especially women working in the Energy sector workplaces and how they can be appropriately supported in careers. More women are being diagnosed as neurodiverse, yet many women are still waiting for tests and a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD. As a […]

Supporting Organising in Community Hybrid Workplaces

This branch has found that in many community workplaces since the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees now opt for complete homeworking or hybrid working (coming into the office two days a week) if they have the option to do so. Furthermore, many charities have closed their offices, forcing their workers to become homeworkers. Many community employers […]

Impact of benefit cuts on disabled women

Conference is well aware that disabled workers are paid £3,700 less than non-disabled workers. But conference notes that disabled women are paid even less than disabled men. According to TUC analysis, disabled women face an even bigger pay gap of over £7,000 a year. The gap also increases as women age. Conference recognises that there […]

Workplace Sexual Harrassment

Workplace Sexual Harassment Numerous surveys run over the course of the pandemic have demonstrated an increase in workplace sexual harassment, with most experiences being online. Homeworking has left women workers unsafe and unprotected from sexual harassment at work. Current protections are clearly not enough. Women have experienced harassment on various online platforms and felt unable […]

Baby Loss Policies – The bare minimum should be a floor not a ceiling

Please note, in this context, when we refer to Women, the term encompasses women and pregnant people. Conference notes that there is currently a disparity around attendance management policies for pregnancy losses of less than 24 weeks gestation when compared to pregnancy related illness in an ongoing pregnancy. Our members can unfairly fall through the […]

No Confidence in UCEA

For too many years now it seems that the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) are neither able nor willing to negotiate with the unions in good faith. It appears that perhaps UCEA is acting as an arm of the Conservative Government, representing year after year of increasingly austerity for staff working in Higher Education. […]

New Rights for Pregnant Workers and New Parents

Conference notes and welcomes the new protection from redundancy for pregnant workers and new parents. Conference thanks Dan Jarvis MP for working in support with UNISON on the new law – the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill – to prevent employers from laying off expectant mothers and new parents, by extending redundancy […]

Time to Smash the Gender Pay Gap in Higher Education

Despite the Equal Pay Act coming into force over 50 years ago, there remains a persistent gender pay gap on university campuses across the United Kingdom. According to the Times Higher Education (THE), the mean pay gap in Higher Education in 2020 – 2021 was 14.8% which was higher than the UK average of 11.3%. […]