“This Energy conference notes that following the closing date for motion submissions a general election was called for the 8th June. Subsequently political parties have during the hustings and manifesto launches made numerous comments about the failings in the energy market and the need to directly intervene to protect consumers or bring elements of the […]
Conference motions
Conference notes that following on from a women’s conference decision in 1998, a model domestic abuse workplace policy and accompanying guidance were produced. It is the intention that all UNISON workplaces have such a policy in existence, and many have been negotiated in the public sector. However, they are still not commonplace in the private […]
As the Energy Industry has changed from the “glory’’ days of privatisation to the very complicated structures we now have to organise within so too has the range of problems affecting our members and representatives. The Energy Sector has faced major changes including the splitting off of the distribution businesses, company mergers, business diversification, the […]
Conference notes the increasing numbers of our energy members working in call centres. Call centres can leave workers chained to their workstations under extreme pressure to provide faster responses to more and more callers. Conference welcomes UNISON’s Call Centre Charter, launched in 2012, to seek to establish a decency agenda for these members, allowing them […]
Many lay activists have benefited over the years from specific utility linked training courses supported by UNISON’s learning and Organising team. The most well known is the Negotiating Skills course for workers in a Utility setting. We have also had the opportunity in the past two years to do a specific pay bargaining course for […]
Many UNISON members working in Energy will be familiar with various safe driving initiatives introduced by energy employers. This development will include not just broad awareness of the hazards of driving but also tracking devices which can monitor speed, braking distances, erratic driving etc. Although UNISON would support common sense approaches to ensure we all […]
Conference notes that UNISON is the largest staff union in the UK gas industry and has a proud heritage of supporting Gas members going back to local municipal gas corporations. Conference further notes that UNISON has members working right across the industrial spectrum from qualified engineers, scientists, finance, managerial, customer contact, emergency response, shipping terminals. […]
Conference notes that since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America on the 20th January 2017, his initial actions as President have set a tone of undermining the hard fought rights of Women across the world. As one of his first acts as President, Donald Trump decided to put […]
Conference notes the importance of the two main events in the Energy Service Group year – namely our Annual Conference and our Annual Branch Seminar. Both of these events are occasions of interaction and learning for our activists and also an occasion to recharge the batteries of our enthusiasm. However, it has been noticeable over […]
Conference expresses concern that many girls are being left vulnerable by inadequate sex and relationship education (SRE) in schools. Conference notes that the current Children and Social Work Bill, while not the ideal legislative vehicle for introducing mandatory SRE, probably presents the best chance in this Parliament. Amendments to achieve this were tabled in January […]
Conference notes with concern that during the night of 7 January 2017 the Dunkirk Refugee Women’s Centre burnt down. The conditions that women are living in are unacceptable in the 21st century and this has been a bitter blow. Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to encourage: 1) All regions to highlight the needs […]
Conference notes figures released from the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), on February 2nd 2017, showed applicants from England who had nursing as at least one of their course choices fell by 23%, from 43,800 in 2016 to 33,810 in 2017. Overall applicant numbers for nursing courses across the UK fell by 20% from […]
Conference notes that new data from Save the Children reveals an alarming crisis in Afghanistan, as 3,000 Afghans are repatriated daily from Pakistan, following a tightening in regulations by Pakistani authorities. More than 70 percent of returnee parents and community leaders, who took part in a survey compiled by the aid organisation, said early marriage […]
Conference notes that on 7 April 2011, the Council of Europe adopted the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) and it was opened for signatures by member states on 11 May 2011. It entered into force on 1 April 2014. The Istanbul Convention was drafted […]
Conference is aware that in recent years governments have increased the state pension for all women born on or after 6 April 1951. The Conservative government in 1995 included into the Pension Act (1995) provision to raise the pension age of women from 60 to 65 so that it would be in line with men’s […]