Conference notes with concern the growing trend in certain sections of the media to place the blame on our generation for many of the problems being met by younger people. It seems to be convenient to forget, or ignore, the social, political and economic history of the post Second World War years. We know that: […]
Conference motions
Conference notes with deep concern repeated attempts by the Tories to turn the young against the old and build a negative perception of older people as a drain on society. Conference believes that the intergenerational gap between young and old needs to be bridged by building understanding and relationships. Conference calls on the National Retired […]
This Conference notes that the consultation process involving STPs and representative organisations for older people is, to say the least, patchy. In some areas of the country STPs are failing to consult or engage with organisations that represent older people and crucial services are either being introduced or withdrawn without due process taking place. Needs […]
There is an increasing demand for care in the UK. The proportion of elderly people requiring care in the future will place even more demands on a service that is already struggling. With year-on-year cuts to local councils, over 1.8 million people are already denied access to care. This will, as time passes, create an […]
Conference notes the view of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum that the Financial Reporting Council has been too cosy with the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and the Big Four accountancy firms. This is set against a background of growing concerns about the state of the accounting and auditing professions after a string of […]
Retired members form a significant minority of the present members in the Local Government Pension Scheme. For instance, in Cambridgeshire there were 24,854 active members and 14,991 pensioner members as at 31 March 2017. This pattern is replicated across the country. The formation of CIVs (Joint Pension Investment Pools) gives no opportunity at present, for […]
Many private care homes in addition to charging high fees to residents and/or their families, continue to make charges even after the resident has died or moved to alternative accommodation. These fees can be charged for weeks and sometimes months depending on the wording of the contract. This despite the care home having rapidly re-let […]
Conference notes with alarm the disproportionate effect on older people with dementia of inadequate and deteriorating provision of Social care and health services for example: 1) Research has found that older people with dementia are largely the ones using hospital A& E Services or being admitted because of poor or unavailable social care provision; 2) […]
This Conference endorses UNISON’s Retired Members’ policy to promote Powers of Attorney to safeguard older persons’ interests in the event of them becoming unable to handle their own affairs. When there is a dispute or misunderstanding between the two or more people holding the Power of Attorney or between the Attorney and the donor , […]
This conference notes the media constantly bombard us with reports of the ageing population and the increasing strain this is putting on our public services. What gets no coverage at all is the difficulties, for the individual and their nearest and dearest, if they are unable to manage their own affairs. The solution to these […]
Conference broadly welcomes UNISON’s national initiative to reduce the environmental impact of our conferences by lessening the amount of paper used to provide delegates’ information. However it must be remembered that many retired members are not computer literate and do not have their own IT equipment – or access to any other such equipment except […]
The vast and important role older people have to play in supporting the economy and social wellbeing of family life in British society in today’s world is widely recognised. However, pensioners are often portrayed by politicians and some of the media as a burden on the NHS, the economy and society in general. Apart from […]
“Conference notes that: 1)Rule D7.5 does not describe the Branch Retired Members’ Secretary (BRMS), plainly, as a member of the Branch Committee, rather it says BRMS “may attend and speak at all (its) meetings as determined by the Branch Committee rules …”; and, 2. This formulation is not used for any other member of the […]
“Conference congratulates the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Midlands Region Pensioners’ Network on its ‘bus tour’ of the Midlands between 7th and 21st April this year to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme. Working with a range of local partners who included retired members of at least thirteen UNISON branches […]
The National Insurance scheme as established in 1948 to provide unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, retirement pension and various other benefits to employees and pensioners in the UK. Employed people who have not reached state retirement pension age and their employers contribute to the scheme through @National Insurance Contributions’ (NICs), which are based on a percentage […]