Conference notes that to reach net zero we need a clear energy policy that is fit for purpose. We have seen too many times Governments moving the goalposts when it comes to a clear vision of what we need to achieve net zero. We have seen the roll back on the current Tory Governments’ timelines […]
Conference motions
Conference notes the significant changes that have taken place across the Energy Sector in the last decade. Conference instructs the Energy Service Group Executive to undertake a review of the Service Group Executive constitution and bring any proposals changes to the current terms of reference to Energy Conference 2025.
Conference acknowledges the importance of self-organisation within UNISON as it allows marginalised groups within the union to challenge discrimination in the workplace and to campaign in wider society. Conference also notes that members of self-organised groups are a valuable resource to the energy service group as they have knowledge and experience of how our workplaces […]
Conference notes that 2024 is UNISON’s Year of LGBT+ Workers and welcomes the opportunity that this provides to promote UNISON as the union for LGBT+ workers in the energy sector, raise awareness of LGBT+ rights, challenge discrimination, negotiate LGBT+ inclusive policies and recruit and activate LGBT+ members in the energy industry. The year highlights the […]
Police and Justice staff are well established members of our union and have been for decades. Police and Justice members work in very difficult circumstances both protecting the public and enforcing the law. The needs of these members are no different to that of other service groups. These members support our union and act with […]
This conference recognises the urgent need to commence negotiations across the energy sector for a just transition for the energy workforce supporting the crucial role that unions play in ensuring workers are protected and empowered throughout this transition. We believe that by promoting union-led just transition initiatives, we can create a sustainable and equitable future […]
This conference recognises the critical importance of UNISON’s “Organising to Win’ national strategy that provides a vision of a stronger UNISON with a plan to increase member participation, build a bigger and more representative activist base, and achieve sustainable membership growth. In the Energy Sector we need to strengthen the collective voice to protect the […]
Conference affirms that employers have a legal duty to protect both the health, and the safety of their employees in relation to the activities of the employer. Conference notes that work related stress is defined as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them’. Stress is a […]
Conference remains extremely concerned about the UK government’s approach to providing redress for the victims of the Windrush scandal. Conference notes the findings of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review led by Wendy Williams which concluded that the UK Home Office had shown “ignorance and thoughtlessness” on race throughout the scandal, that immigration regulations were tightened […]
Conference notes that we are halfway through celebrating the Year of LGBT+ Workers and welcomes the opportunity that this provides to promote UNISON as the union for LGBT+ workers, raise awareness of LGBT+ rights throughout the union, challenge discrimination, and recruit and activate LGBT+ members. The year highlights the important contribution our LGBT+ members make […]
Despite UNISON’s continued efforts to tackle racism in public service workplaces, continued reports from the Police, Probation, NHS, and others demonstrate that significant changes are still required before equality for Black workers will ever materialise. Conference condemns the slow pace of change in too many workplaces and the exclusion of Black workers from discussions about […]
In 2016 Energy conference agreed to look at increasing Black member participation in the service group. When looking at measurements of engagement such as representation on branch and national committees and attendance at service group and Black members’ conferences the activism levels of Black members in Energy remains an area of concern. At its conference […]
Conference notes that there is increasing anecdotal evidence from branches and stewards in the Energy service group of disabled and older workers being “managed out” of organisations. This can include Energy employers using capability procedures to push disabled workers out of their jobs without fully exploring reasonable adjustments that could be made in order to […]
Conference notes that many of our members in the Energy service group are seeing the result of the cost of living crisis in an increase in customers who are experiencing financial issues. Our members are often the first to speak to customers with financial concerns, many displaying signs of significant mental distress, with some expressing […]
A decade of Tory austerity has starved our communities of essential services, eroded the resilience of the public sector and removed vital safety nets. Long term underfunding and cuts to key public services has made communities less safe and left vulnerable people without the help they need. Conference asserts that the most effective and least […]