Many of us have fought for years for years for equality in all areas. We have had some successes, including some excellent employment laws. However, as many lesbians and gay men are aware, these laws can sometimes be used against us and when they are there is very little in the way of information and […]
Conference motions
Many of us have fought for years for years for equality in all areas. We have had some successes, including some excellent employment laws. However, these laws can sometimes be used against us and when they are there is very little in the way of information and support. Many of our members work alone with […]
Many of us have fought for years for years for equality in all areas. We have had some successes, including some excellent employment laws. However, as many lesbians and gay men are aware, these laws can sometimes be used against us and when they are there is very little in the way of information and […]
Conference notes that current United Kingdom legislation places a duty upon public bodies to promote race equality. It further notes that public bodies in Northern Ireland and the Greater London Authority have a similar duty in other respects too. It regrets that this wider duty has not, so far, been extended to other public bodies […]
Many of us have fought for years for equality in all areas. We have had some successes, including some excellent employment laws. However, as many lesbians and gay men are aware, these laws can sometimes be used against us and when they are there is very little in the way of information and support. Take […]
Conference recalls last year’s resolution calling upon the Trades Union Congress Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (TUC LGB&T) Committee to review whether arrangements for its annual conference best meet the needs of the maximum number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender trades unionists. Conference notes that UNISON raised this with the TUC which decided not […]
Conference expresses it’s concern that the publicity material produced by Stonewall “Discrimination at work, It’s so over” funded by the DTI makes little reference to the role in which the trade union movement can play in enforcing the Sexual Orientation Regulations. Conference instructs the NLGC to work with Stonewall and the TUC (including the WTUC), […]
This Conference welcomes the proposed legislation to establish Civil Partnerships, and believes that this will constitute a positive step forward in the legal recognition of our relationships. However, Conference is concerned that some of the proposals for survivor pensions are flawed and need revision. Conference believes: 1.Where a final salary scheme provides a spouse’s pension, […]
Conference congratulates UNISON for it’s participation in ILGA Europe and recognises the important role ILGA Europe has in advising and campaigning on behalf of the citizens of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. Conference recognises that as the European Union states have developed that the constitutional structure of the UK has also developed into […]
Conference recalls the resolution of the Eleventh National Lesbian and Gay Conference (Motion 20, Activating Our Members) which instructed the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to produce a bulletin to which any UNISON member may subscribe by electronic mail or by post with the aim of stimulating local activity by individuals or small groups. […]
Conference welcomes the progress made by UNISON, working with the other affiliated unions, at Labour’s National Policy Forum on 25 July 2004 which agreed a series of policies that will form the basis for Labour’s manifesto for the general election widely expected to take place next year. In particular policies that relate to Pensions, such […]
Conference recalls that Resolution 26 of the 2003 UNISON Lesbian and Gay Conference noted that members with manual and part-time jobs and other workers who are low paid are under-represented at UNISON Lesbian and Gay Conference, compared to the proportion of these workers in the union as a whole. It instructed the NLGC to review […]
Conference commends the progress made by the NLGC in its work with the Government and other organisations on last year’s recommendations to do with improving the range and availability of educational materials for young lesbians and gay men in schools and youth groups. Conference also welcomes the passing, at this year’s National Delegates Conference, of […]
This Conference deplores the vicious murder of Brian Williamson in June 2004. Mr Williamson was one of the founder members of the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG), which seeks to achieve equality for all in Jamaica’s society. Conference further deplores the attacks by an active minority in the private homes of gay […]
This Conference is dismayed that gay and bisexual men are still discriminated against by the National Blood Service, by being denied the opportunity to give blood. Conference is concerned that this is perpetuating an unwelcome and damaging myth that all gay and bisexual men present a danger to the health of others when, in fact, […]